Sermon Illustrations

Status Spheres: a variety of lifestyles, activities and persuasions, which can be mixed and matched by consumers looking for recognition from various crowds and scenes. Contrast this with traditional consumption that is about buying more and/or better stuff than fellow consumers. identifies these new consumer status spheres for '08. Transient Sphere: For those driven by experiences instead of the fixed—those who are driven by entertainment, by discovery, by fighting boredom, who increasingly live a transient lifestyle, freeing themselves from the hassles of permanent ownership and possessions. Online Sphere: In an online world or virtual world, social status is all about who you connect to and who wants to connect to you, tribal-style. It also encompasses status gained from the number of views for one's photos on Flickr, to the number of friends on Facebook. Eco Sphere: Millions of consumers are now actively trying to greenify their lives. Giving Sphere: Whether it's giving away your riches, your time, or sharing your (content) creations with total strangers, giving is the new taking. Participative Sphere: For younger (and younger-at-heart) consumers, participation is the new consumption. (

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