Sermon Illustrations

I heard a missionary from Brazil tell an amazing story of the faithfulness of God at an Evangelism Conference in Dallas several years ago.

He said that there was a woman named Maria in his country who was an unbeliever who was celebrating her 30th birthday. On that day, she looked up to Heaven and said, "God, if you are real.....I want to know You. Please send someone to my house to explain who you are."

Maria waited and waited......but no answer came.

When Maria turned 31, she prayed the same prayer. No answer came.

When Maria reached the ages of 32, 33, 34, and 35.........she prayed this same prayer every year on her birthday, but no answer came.

Finally, Maria gave up and said, "There is no God or He would have answered my prayer." She sadly went on with her life still searching for the truth.

Years later, Maria turned 60 years old and on her birthday something strange happened.

A young lady knocked at Maria's door and said she would love to get to know her because she had good news for her. She explained that she was a missionary from the United States and she came to Brazil to tell people about who God is and how they could know Him through what Christ has done for us.

At the end of the discussion, Maria inivited Jesus into her heart and declared, "This is the miracle I prayed for 30 years ago when I was just 30 years old! I don't know why it took so long, but thank God I now know the truth."

The young woman smiled and said, "Maria, I have another miracle to tell you about. You see, today is not only your birthday, but it is also MY birthday. And today I turned 30 years old. When you were crying out to God thirty years ago, He heard you and brought me into the world to send me here to tell you all about who God is and how you can go to Heaven because of His Son, Jesus Christ. It is a birthday miracle for sure!"

Oh, my dear friend, God hears the cries of your heart and He is faithful to answer every one of your prayers according to His Word, according to His will and in His own time. Be patient and wait on Him. He is a faithful Father who can be trusted.

- Larry Petton

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