Sermon Illustrations

If we are truly full of thanks for what God has done for us and we are truly grateful for the things that God has done which we could not have done for ourselves, then the result is a love for others and a desire to serve others. If our attitude is truly changed, then giving to others and meeting their needs becomes a new way of life.

Our focus in life becomes not about meeting our own needs or being entertained or having fun but what can I do to help someone else. What can I do to make someone’s life a little better? How can I help others? How can I serve them without getting anything in return?

Helping out at the Upper Room has really been an awesome time. One of the things that the Upper Room does is distribute clean socks and blankets and even clothes. Sure you get people in that just seem to take and take and seem to think that they deserve anything and everything without making a contribution. But there are many, many others that are extremely grateful. And they express that by helping clean up and picking things up and even encouraging the less grateful to pull their own weight.

Someone on our midst felt led to supply some blankets prior to the recent Blizzard of Blankets. There wasn’t much in terms of blankets. But these blankets that were given by someone led by God made a big difference in the lives of several people who really needed something to wrap up in and had no other resources.

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