Sermon Illustrations

In light of the popularity of the Dodge Super Bowl commercial "So God Made a Farmer" this is our Mother's Day rendition.

“So God Made a Mother”

He needed someone tender enough to cherish the thrill of a baby growing within her body & yet someone strong enough to survive the pain of childbirth, so God made a Mother.

He needed someone to take care of that precious baby throughout the night & still take care of her home & the rest of her family throughout the day, on minimal sleep, so God made a Mother.

He needed someone hard enough to say no to her children when she needed to & soft enough to breaks the rules at times & treat her kids to what they want, so God made a Mother.

He needed someone who could be in two places at one time & with eyes in the back of their head, so God made a Mother.

He needed someone stern enough to paddle a little behind when it was called for & yet someone tender enough to heal a skinned leg with a Band-Aid & a hug & kiss, so God made a Mother.

He needed someone with calloused knees, calloused from the hours spent there in prayer for her family, so God made a Mother.

He needed a theologian to share the gospel, a psychologist to deal with teens, an entomologist for those insect collections, a botanist for those leaf collections, a professor for those late night homework sessions, & a physician to always know what’s wrong, so God made a Mother.

He needed someone with a tough enough heart to show her child tough love & yet someone with the patience of Job & a soft heart to show trust to that child, so God made a Mother.

He needed someone with a heart that would always hold a place for that child & yet have hands that would eventually open up & let that child go to find their place in this world, so God made a Mother.

He needed someone who would have the grace to welcome that child that had made a mistake back into the fold, so God made a Mother.

He knew He needed someone to watch over us as we made our way through this life, so God made a Mother.

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