Sermon Series
  • 1. Sufferers On Trial

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2007

    Crisis and Choice, Pt. 1

    SUFFERERS ON TRIAL (LUKE 13:1-5) On the day the terrorists struck New York and Washington D.C., I received an e-mail from a friend that hinted strongly that America was under attack for forsaking God. Two days later, Jerry Falwell commented harshly: “I really believe that the pagans, and the more

  • 2. More Than Conquerors

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2007

    Crisis and Choice, Pt. 2

    MORE THAN CONQUERORS (JOHN 9:1-7, 34-39) One embarrassing game day, after giving up nine home runs in a row, Charlie Brown cried out in despair, “What can I do?!!” He complained to his catcher, “We’re getting slaughtered again, Schroeder. I don’t know what to do. Why do we have to suffer like more

  • 3. The Fugitive Planet

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Crisis and Choice, Pt. 3

    THE FUGITIVE PLANET (GEN 3:1-15) The mythical story of the Pandora’s Box tells of how Greek god Zeus’ plotted to ruin man, seal his fate and cause suffering on earth. Zeus created the beautiful Pandora, sent her to humans and gave her a mysterious chest or box, along with a warning not to open it. more

  • 4. When Life Seems Unfair

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Crisis and Choice, Pt. 4

    WHEN LIFE SEEMS UNFAIR (JOB 1:1-2:10) The year 2001 was a sad year for a family I had known for more than ten years. The family was a staunch Christian family and for four generations the tight-knit family had served tirelessly in church. The matriarch of the family was a widow and her two sons more

  • 5. The Lord Of All The Earth

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Crisis and Choice, Pt. 5

    THE LORD OF ALL THE EARTH (ISAIAH 40:15-24) One day a man goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot. The assistant takes the man to the parrot section and asks the man to choose one. The man asks, “How much is the yellow one?” The assistant says, “$2,000.” The man is shocked and asks the assistant why more

  • 6. The Last Laugh

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2007

    Crisis and Choice, Pt. 8

    THE LAST LAUGH (PSALMS 52) On the cover of the May 21, 2001, Newsweek magazine was the full-size head of a man, except that the face of the man is indistinct because the print is in the form of a red X-ray film or an undeveloped photograph. The word E V I L in bold covers his nose and mouth, but more

  • 7. Doomsday

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Crisis and Choice, Pt. 10 (Final)

    DOOMSDAY (MARK 13) Christians are often confronted with apocalyptic, millennial and eschatological expectations whenever a disaster occurs. On the morning of 9/11, a relative called from overseas, asked if we were alright and eventually ended the call with a sigh and an exclamation: “This is the more