Sermon Series
  • 1. 2. The Manual: How To Pray More Effectively

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    A look at one of the major teachings on prayer that Jesus gave his disciples, so we can learn how to “use” prayer to communicate more effectively with God.

    BIG IDEA: All believers can pray effectively by following the instructions Jesus gave us in Matthew 6:5-13. 1. Pray secretly. (v. 5-6) 2. Pray concisely. (v. 7-8) 3. Give God honor. (v. 9) 4. Submit to God’s will. (v. 10) 5. Recognize your dependence upon God. (v. 11) 6. Ask for and extend more

  • 2. 4. Signal Breakers: Keeping The Bars Up

    Contributed on Oct 25, 2005
    based on 39 ratings

    What are the causes of the “prayer signal” getting broken as we try and communicate with God?

    BIG IDEA: All believers can achieve better results in prayer by eliminating the following 4 roadblocks to prayer. 1. A disconnected relationship with God (prayerlessness). (John 15:7, James) 2. Unconfessed sin (Isaiah 59:2) 3. Broken relationships (Matthew 5:23-24, Mark 11:25, Hebr. 12:15, more

  • 3. What's With The Silence Button?

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2005
    based on 48 ratings

    All believers should understand why God sometimes says “No” to their prayers.

    BIG IDEA: Prayer: What’s with the silence button? All believers should understand why God sometimes says “No” to their prayers. 1. It is outside of God’s will. 2. The timing is not right yet. 3. God is testing your faith. 4. God allows people to exercise free will. 5. God is more