Sermon Series
  • 1. In Anticipation Of Splendor

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    In this first message of Advent, Pastor Terry will share what the anticipation is all about. Do we have to wait to experience the Splendor of Christ? Strick the match and light the candle, it’s time to find out!

    Text: Hosea 13:14 It’s the first Sunday of Advent!! Today opens the celebration of the Christmas season here at Christ Fellowship. The house is decorated, the wreath is in place, but what’s it all about? Tonight we will gather for a great time of fellowship and worship as we light the first more

  • 2. In Anticipation Of Glory

    Contributed on Dec 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    In this second message of Advent Pastor Terry looks to the prophecies of Haggai’s Desire of Nations as Man’s hope for experiencing the Glory of God.

    For the last three weeks we have been “majoring on the Minors” – the Minor Prophets that is, as we have looked at the coming of Christ, the Messiah through the prophetic eyes of men like Hosea, Zechariah and now, the prophet Haggai. Haggai and Zechariah came on the scene of Israel’s return from more

  • 3. Micah's Shepherd King Wk 3

    Contributed on Dec 13, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    In this third week of Advent we continue to "Major on the Minors" as Pastor Terry looks at the Prophecy of Micah of the one who would come to deliver Israel from captivity and how that same One has come to deliver you and I.

    Again on this third week of Advent we are “majoring on the Minors” as we consider a prophetic word from the Book of Micah. The entire book that bears his name speaks of a redeemer who is unmatched in His compassion toward sinners and His desire to pardon. In one of the prophet’s visions he more