Sermon Series
  • 1. The Dreams Of A Community

    Contributed on Feb 13, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    This is part 1 of my 5 week series on what the church needs to look like in the emerging culture. This looks specifically at what the early church looked like, and what those practices can look like in our world.

    If you have your bibles, you can open them to Acts 2. We are starting a 5 week series today called an elemental church. This is an exciting series for me, because I hope at the end of the 5 weeks, you will have a better idea about how I think about church. Some of my hopes and dreams for us as a more

  • 2. Live By Faith

    Contributed on Feb 23, 2007

    The emerging culture wants to see whether or not we as Christians have faith we live by, more than just talk about.

    *Author’s note: A lot of my ideas came from Erwin McManus’ book "The Barbarian Way."* For the past two weeks, we have been talking about the church, what it looks like, what it does. For the next 3 weeks, we are going to put some skin on the bones so to speak. There has been one verse that more

  • 3. Known By Love

    Contributed on Mar 3, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    As Christians, we are more known for what we are against than what we are for. Ironically, Jesus said we were to be known by love, and that is how the world will recognize us.

    Last week, we started looking at what the world around us wants to know about Christians. We talked about the kind of faith that the world around us is saying, do you have that kind of faith? Today, we are going to look at love. I told you last week, that one verse has been driving me as a more

  • 4. A Voice Of Hope

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2007

    What is the hope that lies within all Christians, the hope people are looking for? Grace. This message looks at how to live out grace and create a grace filled culture.

    Today is the last week of our series an elemental church. Hopefully, you are starting to see more of what God is calling us to and what he wants to do among us and through us as we move forward as a church. The past two weeks, we have been using 1 Corinthians 13:13 as our launching point. more

  • 5. Missional Minded

    Contributed on Apr 16, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    What is the missional church? How does a church transition to being missional? What do missional Christians look like and act like?

    Last week we started a new series called an elemental church. We looked at God’s dream for a church and talked a little about the dreams that we have for our community. In the past few years, the word missional has picked up some steam and become somewhat of a buzz word among pastors and more