Sermon Series
  • 1. At The Cross... Is Love

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2014

    At the cross we see the love of God shown to mankind.

    At the Cross is …Love Luke 23:32-43 Introduction- Today I start a series called “At the Cross.” We will look at the cross to see what Jesus has done for us and provided for us. It will conclude as we look at the empty tomb and His resurrection on Easter Morning. more

  • 2. At The Cross... Is Forgiveness

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2014

    At the cross of Christ is forgiveness and wholeness.

    At the Cross is Forgiveness Luke 19:37-44 Introduction Luke 19:37-43 Last week we bean a series looking at the cross. We saw at the cross was the most expressive way God could show his love to mankind. By way of laying down his life, Jesus took the most horrible, and painful way more