Sermon Series
  • 1. Seeds Grow And So Do Christians

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2005
    based on 134 ratings

    God moves powerfully and lovingly in our lives to give us faith and to nurture that faith.

    Mark 4: 26-29 “Seeds Grow and So Do Christians” INTRODUCTION When does a miracle become invisible? It becomes invisible when it becomes commonplace. This parable talks about the miracle of growing seed. A farmer plants a hard, dead seed in the ground, and a few months later returns more

  • 2. Discovering Who I Am

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    Before we can do great things for God, we must discover who we are in God.

    Psalm 8:3-8 “Discovering Who I Am” INTRODUCTION We have discovered that success is not a satisfactory goal—at least success in the world’s terms. We have ample demonstrations of how it is not only lonely at the time it is also empty. We want more for our lives. We want our lives to more

  • 3. Leaving A Legacy

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    At the end of our lives, we want to leave more than an financial inheritance, or even a good name. We want to leave a legacy of lives touched by love and the power of God.

    Mark 10:35-45 “Leaving a Legacy” INTRODUCTION Each and every one of else has an inner desire to go beyond success to significance. We want our lives to mean something and make a difference. Christians are freed to live significant lives because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. more

  • 4. My Purpose In Life

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Our relationships with other people are vital avenues for God’s Spirit to reach people and touch lives. We are instruments that God uses to love people and offer them the gift of faith.

    Mark 8:27-38 “My Purpose In Life” INTRODUCTION Have you ever found yourself questioning the purpose of your life—asking “Why?” Often, we find ourselves questioning our purpose for living, when we are confronted by difficult times in our lives. We wonder about our purpose in life when more