Sermon Series
  • 1. Faith That Works

    Contributed on Oct 27, 2014

    study in James

    Faith that Works James 2:14-26 1. The evidence of faith - vs. 14-16 *Profession is not faith 2. The element of faith - v. 17 *life and works 3. The explanation of faith - vs. 18-19 A. Faith is not mental assent B. Faith is not emotional assent C. Faith is more

  • 2. Do Not Lose Heart

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2015

    book of james

    Do Not Lose Heart James 5:7-12 1. The Endurance - consider faithfulness - v. 7 2. The Expectation - consider the farmer - v. 7 3. The Establishment - consider the heart - v. 8 4. The Excitement - consider the second coming - v. 8 5. The Examination - consider judgment - v. 9 6. The more

  • 3. Sickness

    Contributed on May 8, 2015


    Sickness James 5:13-15 1. The cause of sickness A. The physical realm 1) genetics 2) lifestyle B. The emotional realm 1) destructive emotions control 2) distrust God consistently C. The spiritual realm 2. The purpose of more

  • 4. Our Need In Temptation

    Contributed on Jun 30, 2014

    Study through James

    Our Need in Temptation James 1:5-8 I. A requirement for wisdom - v. 5 A. God is the source of wisdom B. God has sufficiency of wisdom C. God will supply wisdom II. A request by faith - v. 6 A. The challenge - faith or doubt B. The choice - planted or more

  • 5. Respector Of Person

    Contributed on Sep 8, 2014

    book of James

    Respector of James James 2:1-4 1. Check your attitude 2. Check your treatment 3. Check your motive more

  • 6. Who Do You Think You Are?

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2015

    book of james

    1. The stipulation A. The definition of this sin - speak against B. The object of this sin - brothers 2. The significance A. The audacity of speaking evil B. The arrogance of speaking evil 3. The sensibility A. Who do you think is the lawgiver? B. Who do you think more

  • 7. Overcoming Temptation

    Contributed on Jul 14, 2014

    A study into the Book of James

    Overcoming Temptation James 1:12-15 I. Purpose of Temptation A. drawn away - from the plan of God B. lust - a natural desire taken to extreme C. entice - bait a hook II. Promises for temptation A. Hebrews 2:18 - The Lord is sensitive to our temptation B. I more

  • 8. Blessings In Temptation

    Contributed on Jul 14, 2014

    Study into the Book of James

    Blessings in Temptation James 1:9-12 I. A reminder to consider in the present A. Testing adjusts our view *From me to God *From temporal to eternal B. Testing adjusts our values *Poor exalted with true riches *Rich humbled more

  • 9. Our Outlook In Testing

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Study in the book of James

    I. Evaluate with joy - v. 2 A. The certainty of testing B. The variety of testing C. The clarity of testing 2. Educate by understanding - v. 3 A. The reality proven by testing B. The results accomplished by testing 3. Endure with testing - v. 4 A. Our more

  • 10. Riches

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2015

    book of James

    Riches James 5:1-6 1. How you view riches - v. 3 A. They are temporary - v. 2 B. They are worthless - v. 3 C. They are consuming - v. 3 D. They are evidence - v. 4 2. How you obtain riches - v. 4 A. Unjust wages B. Unreasonable gain 3. How more

  • 11. The War

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2015

    book of James

    The War James 4:1-10 1. The War Within a. Their afflictions - lust b. Their anger - cannot obtain c. Their attack - they kill d. Their asking - absent or selfish 2. The War Without a. The World b. Satan *The Answer 1) submit to God 2) more

  • 12. Is Any Sick?

    Contributed on May 8, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Is Any Sick?

    Is Any Sick? James 5:14-15 The Reminders of Sickness? 1. All life and healing is in the Lord's hands 2. The Lord cares about you when you are sick 3. There is one Source of healing but many methods 4. Miracles in healing are still for today 5. God can choose not to heal more

  • 13. Touching Heaven

    Contributed on Jun 5, 2015

    book of James

    Touching Heaven James 5:13-18 1. A man touching heaven A. Norman man B. Earnest man C. Diligent man D. Zealous man 2. Heaven touching man A. Brings power of God B. Brings provision of God C. Brings peace of God more

  • 14. Duped

    Contributed on Aug 18, 2014

    Study in the book of James

    v. 16 is a "bridge" verse that carries us back to previous truth and forward to the next truth I. Do not be duped - where lust leads II. Do not be duped - what God is like - v. 17 A. God is good B. God is giving C. God is light D. God is unchanging III. Do not be more

  • 15. Reception

    Contributed on Aug 18, 2014

    study in the book of James

    Reception James 1:19-20 I. Fast to hear A. That you hear - Matthew 13:9, Romans 10:17 B. What you hear - Mark 14:24 C. How you hear - Luke 8:18 II. Slow to speak A. Do I agree or argue? B. Do I examine or excuse? C. Do I conform or more

  • 16. Spiritual Wisdom

    Contributed on Dec 9, 2014

    book of james

    Spiritual Wisdom James 3:13-18 1. The test of true wisdom A. Shown not spoken - v. 13 B. Controlled not contentious - vs. 13-14 C. Spiritual not sensual - vs. 14-15 D. Eternal not earthly - v. 15 2. The traits of true wisdom A. pure B. peaceful C. more

  • 17. Soul Saving

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2014

    study in book of James

    Soul Saving James 1:19-22 Soul - my inward life (breath) where I think, feel emotions, and make choices Word - God's truth that keeps your soul safe from destruction I. Hearing the Word - vs. 19-20 2. Hindering the Word - v. 21 3. Holding the Word - v. 21 4. Heeding the Word - v. 22 more

  • 18. Four Life Questions

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2015

    book of James

    Four Life Questions James 4:13-17 1. What will be on to tomorrow? 2. What is your life? 3. Will God be included in your plans? 4. Will you do right? more

  • 19. Faith In Speech

    Contributed on Nov 11, 2014

    study in the book of James

    Faith in Speech James 3:1-12 I. Your tongue requires control A. Provides tremendous opportunity B. Provides tremendous offense II. Your tongue renders destruction A. A fire B. A beast C. A poison III. Your tongue reflects the heart A. No room for double more

  • 20. A Doer

    Contributed on Sep 2, 2014

    The book of James

    A Doer James 1 I. The unaffected hearer A. Deception B. Discouragement C. Dullness D. Doubt E. Defilement II. The understanding doer A. He reflects the Word B. He reacts to Word 1) Profitable result 2) Practical religion more