Sermon Series
  • 1. Why Should The Work Stop?

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    For Lent and for Black History Month: Those who are threatened by progress will always ask us not to go too far. But this church must not stop reaching all people, serving all needs, touching all children and youth.

    In the fall of 1955 I sat in the auditorium of the Speed Scientific School at the University of Louisville, one of about 300 newly admitted engineering students. The dean welcomed us, and yet also warned us. He instructed us, “Look at the person on your right. Now look at the person on your more

  • 2. Without Hindrance

    Contributed on Feb 24, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    For Lent and for Black History Month, with a focus on Africa: the purposes of God will be accomplished, though not without difficulties and sacrifice. Examples of African Christians to show this truth.

    I cannot imagine how Paul did it. Here he is, in prison, chained to a soldier, and he is talking about hope and making plans for the future. How can anyone with half a brain do that? Does he not understand how perilous is his predicament? Chained! Awaiting trial! And yet he can say, “It is more

  • 3. Caged Courage

    Contributed on Mar 2, 2008

    We can unleash our courage if we know who we are and what we are about, and if we have a proper perspective on our relationships.

    Most of God’s creatures are in some sort of cage. Animals that appear to run wild are not all that free; they have migratory patterns and other restraints on where they can go. They are caged, even when that cage is not visible. And what that cage does to their courage! The birds of the more

  • 4. Legions Lost, Language Loosed

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    If we are captured by a demonic past, then we will try to break our chains and will seem to succeed. But the old demons come back to haunt us, for we have not yet turned to the One who gives permission to send them away.

    She drifted into my office on a stormy afternoon, much like those we’ve just gone through. She had no appointment, nor did she even ask if I had time to talk. She just drifted in and hovered over my desk, tears in her eyes, lip quivering. I invited her to sit down and tell me what was wrong. more

  • 5. It Is Not A Nothing

    Contributed on Mar 21, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We excuse everything with "I don’t care", but when we see the eyes of those we have offended and hear them speak, we know that we have hurt them. When we see Christ and hear Him at the cross, we can no longer pretend that we don’t care.

    I “I don’t care.” That was the mechanism I used as a boy to fend off whatever punishment my parents gave. “You’re grounded.” “I don’t care”. “No allowance this week.” I don’t care.” And, to tell the truth, I didn’t care. I would just go to some quiet corner and get a book and read. I was more

  • 6. Dropped Cloths

    Contributed on Mar 23, 2008
    based on 17 ratings

    The young man who lost his linen cloth and ran away naked may be a wealthy person, depending on status; or Lazarus, living in the past, or Mark, caught in immaturity. But He who dropped another linen cloth gives life.

    Not too many years ago, Easter was the day on which everyone trotted out new clothes. It was on Easter that spring dresses sprung off the racks for young girls, and starched collars irritated the necks of young men. I don’t miss the starched collars, but I do rather miss the elaborate display of more