Sermon Series
  • 1. [change] Smelly Socks The Sermon

    Contributed on Aug 3, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    In a time of rapid change, some explanation, our city is being demolished after a series of devistating earthquakes, fifty percent of the CBD is going. So in this change what can we hold onto what can we be sure of. This is a youth service sermon. Use of

    [Change] Smelly Socks the sermon! James 1:16-17. I was born in ward three of Nelson Hospital on the 10th of October 1963. In the same year the tape cassette, something that is pretty much redundant was invented, the Beatles released a single “I want to hold your hand” and on my birthday they more

  • 2. [change] 1937, A Sermon For The Elderly

    Contributed on Aug 6, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    Adapted from [Change} Smelly Socks the Sermon, this is a sermon for use in rest homes. Again it touchs on teh point that Christchurch our city having been hit by a series of earthquakes is by and large being demolished and rebuilt. Alot for the elderly to

    Rest Home service sermon. If you were born on 1937 and I guess that some of you may have been. There was a fair number of interesting things that happened in that year, my own parents were born, if you were born prior to 1937 you will probably remember this stuff. Disney released “Snow White and more

  • 3. [change] 1955 And 1974, Recovery

    Contributed on Sep 3, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    Change a sermon for people in recovery. There is a change that is occurring in the Residential Bridge Programmes accommodation hostel. An opportunity to address how God does not change.

    [Change] 1955 and 1974, Recovery. There are two plaques by the door each has a date on it. I’m guessing that once the upgrades been done there will be another. If you were born in 1955 which would make you 58 or there about you would have been born the same year Ed Hillary and his team more