Sermon Series
  • 1. The Hope Of Christmas

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2008
    based on 18 ratings

    Where is your hope this Christmas? If your hope is in Jesus, you’ll never be disappointed. The true hope of Christmas is for yesterday, today and tomorrow.

    Well, Thanksgiving is over. The table is cleared and everything’s gone except the leftovers. You know what that means, don’t you? I know what it means in my house. It means Christmas time is in full swing. Miranda loves Christmastime. For years, if it was up to her, we would have the more

  • 2. The Hope Of Christmas In The Psalms

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    No matter what circumstances you are going through in life, there is hope.

    This morning we looked at the hope of Christmas. Living on this side of the cross, we have the benefit of the New Testament to give us the details of the hope we have in Christ. But I want to take a step back tonight and see our hope displayed in the prophetic pages of the Old Testament. Before more

  • 3. The Peace Of Christmas

    Contributed on Dec 6, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Are you looking for peace? Look to the One who when He was born, the angels proclaimed a promise to the whole world—Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

    Several decades ago, a diplomat got off a plane and spoke to the crowd that was gathered there. He waved a piece of paper to the crowd and they broke out in a series of loud cheers. Why were they so excited over a piece of paper? Because that paper was going to end the possibility of war. That more

  • 4. The Joy Of Christmas

    Contributed on Dec 13, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    The joy of Christmas past, present and future.

    “Joy to the world! The Lord is come—Let earth receive her King Let every heart prepare Him room and heaven and nature sing.” Jesus is come to earth as a King and is to be worshipped and praised and honored. “Joy to the earth! The Savior reigns! Let men their songs employ, while fields and more

  • 5. Christmas Freedom

    Contributed on Dec 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    By God’s grace Christmas came to set you free from sin. Christmas came to set you free from the penalty of sin, from the power of sin, and from the presence of sin.

    We should have a pretty good idea of what happened on that first Christmas morning. We know that Mary conceived of the Holy Spirit. We know that Jesus was born of a virgin, in a stable in Bethlehem. We’ve heard and read Matthew 1 and Luke 2 enough to know what happened that night. We know what more

  • 6. Christmas Climax

    Contributed on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    Even though Christmas is over for 2008, Christmas isn’t. Because Christmas is really just building to its final climax that will never disappoint and will never end.

    One thing struck me this Christmas that strikes me every Christmas—and that’s how quickly it’s all over. You spend all that time decorating. You spend all that time shopping and getting ready. And then it’s over. Before we sat down for Christmas dinner, Mom said, “OK, we’re going to linger over more