Sermon Series
  • 1. Miracle On 34th Street

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    In this movie, the real Santa came to town, but, he was rejected. Drop back in time, 2000 years. Jesus Christ came to his own, but he was rejected. The Miracle happens every time someone believes.

    Miracle on 34th Street Today our Advent sermon is the first in the series of sermons that come from great Christmas movies. There are many great Christmas movies... A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story, White Christmas, Ernest Saves Christmas, And my personal favorites: Home Alone and more

  • 2. How The Grinch Almost Stole Christmas

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Who could hate Christmas. A poor teenage bride her husband are forced to make a long trip. With no place to stay but a barn, the girl gives birth to a son. But there was a Grinch in Bethlehem who tried to steal the first Christmas.

    How the Grinch (ALMOST) Stole Christmas Play clip from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” first few lines You hear that story and you think that must be make believe because who could hate Christmas. What is to hate? A sweet little poor teenage bride her husband are forced to more

  • 3. It's A Wonderful Life

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2015

    The premise of the movie was for George to find out what would have happened… how life would be different, if he had never lived. What if Jesus Had Never Been Born?

    Ephesians 2: 1-3, 11-12 It’s a Wonderful Life Movie Plot: Jimmy Stewart plays George Bailey, a local good guy with a beautiful family, lots of friends and a good job at the family bank. One day, his Uncle Billy loses an $8,000 deposit and George fears the worst. He gets drunk in a bar, more