Sermon Series
  • 1. Hope

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2012

    To offer the hope of Christ to people during the holidays.

    Bishop Kenneth Shamblin told a story about a Christmas experience he had with his five year old son Ken Jr. More than anything else Junior wanted a red toy truck for Christmas. It seemed that is all he talked about. Whenever he saw a picture of it in the ads he pointed to it. Whenever they were more

  • 2. The Gift Of God's Love

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2012

    A proclamation of God's incredible gift of love and the invitation to unwrap it.

    [Title Slide] One of the greatest stories I have ever come across is the story of the father and son Dick and Rick Hoyt. Rick, was born in 1962 with severe cerebral palsy and would be unable to walk or care for himself. It was a trying time for the family. At the age of 15 he communicated to his more

  • 3. The Gift Of Joy

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2012

    To invite people to accept Christ's gift of joy this Christmas.

    [Title S] The other night I was watching tv when I saw it. One of the best buys of the Christmas season. For only $19.95 I could get a noodle strainer, a vegetable steamer, chopper, slicer and dicer, 4 air tight plastic bowls, one large plastic spoon, two knives, a birth stone, and a shammy and a more

  • 4. The Gift Of Peace

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2012

    To extend the gift of peace to people during a busy time of year.

    [S] In just a few more days we will celebrate the most spectacular event in all of human history. The general population calls it Christmas or Winter Break or Happy Holidays, but we know it as the birth of the Messiah. We tend to celebrate the event with the giving and receiving of gifts as more

  • 5. The Gift Of Light

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2012

    To invite people walking in spiritual darkness to follow the light of Christ.

    [S] I want to tell you a story that occurred around Christmas around 1980 give or take a year. It was Christmas break in Fort Lupton, Colorado and me and two of my friends had gone duck hunting on the Holton farm which included the North Platte River. A fresh coat of powder snow had fallen more