Sermon Series
  • 1. Walking A New Path

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus is the new law giver. The beatitudes are a description of what life in the kingdom of God looks like.

    Matthew 5:1-20 “Walking a New Path” INTRODUCTION American travelers to foreign countries have often been called “Ugly Americans.” The term refers to American tourists’ tendencies to be loud, demonstrative and to believe that everyone understands English if more

  • 2. Focused

    Contributed on Jan 20, 2015

    Following his baptism Jesus is led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit and is tempted by Satan. His temptation helps him to focus on who he is and what he has been called to do.

    Matthew 4:1-17 “Focused” INTRODUCTION It is interesting to see how Hollywood has interpreted the temptation of Jesus. The truth is that we don’t know exactly what happened. No one was present with Jesus, in the wilderness, to record what actually took place. There were more

  • 3. Called

    Contributed on Jan 20, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Like Philip, all Christians are called by Jesus to follow him. As we follow him, we spread his kingdom one person at a time through our relationships with other people.

    John 1:43-51 “Called” INTRODUCTION One of my joys, as a pastor, is the opportunity that I have to listen to the spiritual journeys of many people. It is always amazing to me how God works in our lives. Frequently, we can’t see God’s presence at the time, but when we look back we see God more

  • 4. Dual Personality

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2011

    Jesus at his baptism, tood on our identity--that of a sinner. At our baptism, we take on Jesus' identity--missionary, evangelist proclaiming the God's kingdom is near.

    Matthew 3:13-17 “Dual Personality” INTRODUCTION A reader of the scriptures does not get very far in any of the four gospels before coming upon this critical event in the life of Christ—his baptism. It is one of the few incidents in Jesus’ life that is contained more

  • 5. Come And See

    Contributed on Jan 17, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Christianity is experiential. Jesus invites John's disciples to come and see. He invites us to come and see, also. When we look expecting to see Jesus we see him all around us. The Holy Spirit transforms us and excites us when we see Jesus.

    John 1:29-42 “Come and See” INTRODUCTION In a few moments, we’re going to flash a picture on the screen. I’d like you to count how many saguaro cactus there are in the picture. We’ll give you ten seconds to count them. Are you ready? [Show picture] Now, can more

  • 6. And Heaven Came Down

    Contributed on Feb 2, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In Jesus the kingdom of God arrived on earth. The world and the lives of people (like Peter, Andrew, James and John) have never been the same. They have received a new purpose and started to follow a different path.

    Mark 1:14-20 “And Heaven Came Down” INTRODUCTION What would make you drop everything and pursue an entirely new life? A great job offer? A marriage proposal? The chance to make a huge difference in another part of the world? What do you think--what would prompt you to take more

  • 7. A Lesson In Righteousness

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus graciously proclaims that his followers are salt and light. They live out a new righteousness established by the cross and empowered by the Spirit.

    Matthew 5:13-20 “A Lesson in Righteousness” INTRODUCTION There’s an old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” We all know that this is not true. Words have a powerful effect in our lives. Each of us seems to have more

  • 8. Setting A Pattern

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    From the very beginning of his ministry, Jesus focused on the outsiders and called everyday people to be his disciples.

    Matthew 4:12-23 “Setting a Pattern” INTRODUCTION Several of us have found it necessary, during the past year or so, to look for a job. We’ve honed our resume, and been coached on our interview techniques. We have flooded the internet with notice of our availability, we more

  • 9. An Unnatural Love

    Contributed on Mar 8, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    God loves us with an unnatural love. Jesus calls his disciples to follow his example and to love others with the same unnatural love.

    Matthew 5:38-48 “An Unnatural Love” INTRODUCTION Times are changing. Two hundred and thirty years ago the American Revolution was announced by Paul Revere riding on horseback shouting, “The British are coming, the British are coming.” Now revolutions are more

  • 10. Sharing A Discovery

    Contributed on Feb 2, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Andrew and Philip encounter Jesus and catch a glimpse of who he is and of what God is doing. They share their discovery with family and friends and thus become an example of sharing our faith with others. Though they do not fully understand, still they ch

    John 1:43-51 “Sharing a Discovery” INTRODUCTION According to statistics Christianity is the world’s largest religion. Christians number 2.1 billion people, or approximately 33% of the world’s population. I realize that this is probably an exaggerated figure. more

  • 11. From Hopelessness To Hope

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus heals Jairus' daughter and the woman with the flow of blood.

    Mark 5:21-43 “From Hopelessness to Hope” INTRODUCTION Mark continues to flesh out the central premise of his gospel, “The time is fulfilled. The kingdom is upon us. Repent (change your perspective) and believe (trust). Mark does this through two powerful healing more

  • 12. Inside And Outside

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2016

    Jesus heals a paralytic and eats with tax collectors.

    Mark 2:1-22 “Inside and Outside” INTRODUCTION Often times our images of heaven are peaceful and serene. The books, Heaven is for Real and Ninety Minutes in Heaven, certainly underscore this thought. Heaven is a place to be reunited with family and friends. There is no more

  • 13. And Heaven Came Down

    Contributed on Feb 2, 2012

    In Jesus the kingdom of God arrived on earth. The world and the lives of people liek Peter, Andrew, James, and John have never been the same. They hav received a new purpose and started to follow a different path.

    Mark 1:14-20 “And Heaven Came Down” INTRODUCTION What would make you drop everything and pursue an entirely new life? A great job offer? A marriage proposal? The chance to make a huge difference in another part of the world? What do you think--what would prompt you to take more

  • 14. Skirmish With The Status Quo

    Contributed on Feb 2, 2012
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    Jesus begins his ministry and immediately clashes with the understanding of the people and the forces of evil. Jesus confronts the status quo of our live seeking to free us from the chains that bind us and to enable us to experience true freedom.

    Mark 1:21-28 “Skirmish with the Status Quo” INTRODUCTION The beginning of Mark’s gospel is in stark contrast to those of the other gospel writers. You do not find a boring list of Jesus’ ancestors, as you do in Matthew, nor the heartwarming story of Jesus’ more

  • 15. Momentum

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2012

    Jesus' power has no boundaries. The kingdom has come.

    FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY FEBRUARY 5, 2012 Mark 1:29-39 “Momentum” INTRODUCTION Some people think that the Kingdom of God will come when Jesus returns—when he comes as King of kings and Lord of lords. These people are waiting for the kingdom. Other people believe more

  • 16. Up Close And Personal

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2012

    Jesus has the will and the power to transform a person's life and make all things new

    FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY FEBRUARY 5, 2012 Mark 1:29-39 “Momentum” INTRODUCTION Some people think that the Kingdom of God will come when Jesus returns—when he comes as King of kings and Lord of lords. These people are waiting for the kingdom. Other people believe more

  • 17. Good News - Rejected

    Contributed on Jan 15, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus' inaugural address is a bold proclamation that TODAY the Lord will move mightily in our lives and in our world.

    Luke 4:14-30 “Good News—Rejected” INTRODUCTION On January 21, President Obama will deliver his inaugural address. He will give that address before and expected crowd of 700,000 people gathered around the capitol and millions of viewers watching the television more

  • 18. Something New

    Contributed on Jan 29, 2013

    Bound by traditions and laws, Jesus breathes new life and love into an old religion and the lives of God's people.

    Luke 6:1-16 “Something New” INTRODUCTION I think that one of the great joys in life is to be able to give a gift and then watch the recipient enjoy the gift. As a grandparent, I love giving a gift to my granddaughters and then watch them play with it. I can’t imagine more

  • 19. A Call--Accepted

    Contributed on Jan 29, 2013

    Astonished at Jesus' teaching and amazed by his authority and power, Peter, James and John accept Jesus' invitation to follow him even though they do not know what the future holds.

    Luke 6:1-16 “Something New” INTRODUCTION I think that one of the great joys in life is to be able to give a gift and then watch the recipient enjoy the gift. As a grandparent, I love giving a gift to my granddaughters and then watch them play with it. I can’t imagine more

  • 20. Sent

    Contributed on Feb 1, 2016

    Jesus is rejected at Nazareth, sends out the twelve and hears about the death of John the Baptist.

    Mark 6:1-29 “Sent” INTRODUCTION We continue to work with the central point of Mark’s gospel as it is stated in Mark 1:15, “The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is upon us, Repent (change your mind and perspective) and believe (trust and live in the more

  • 21. Word Problems

    Contributed on Jan 20, 2016

    Parables of sower and mustard seeds

    Mark 4:1-34 “Word Problems” INTRODUCTION What is the difference between a fable and a parable? A fable is primarily didactic, a clever story meant to offer some insight into and instruction about life – think Aesop’s Fables for a moment. A parable, on the other more

  • 22. Beyond Faith

    Contributed on Feb 27, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus power over sickness and death is demonstrated in both the presence and absence of faith.

    Luke 7:1-17 “Beyond Faith” INTRODUCTION It used to be so easy. If something bad happened to you, it was God punishing you. God was seen as a God of judgment and vengeance. When Job lost everything, he’s friends tried to console him by telling him that he obviously more

  • 23. A New Age--A New Relationship

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2014
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    Jesus cleanses the temple, signifying the destruction and raising of the temple of his body.

    John 2:13-25 “A New Age—A New Relationship” INTRODUCTION According to Hollywood there are two ways to start a war. You can send in the Seal Teams and start it covertly, or you can do start it with a show of force; a blitzkrieg. This was Hitler’s trademark in the more

  • 24. A New Beginning

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2014

    Jesus and Nicodemus meet late at night and discuss being born from above, and God’s love for the world.

    John 3:1-21 “A New Beginning” INTRODUCTION I’m a destination man, perhaps you are, too. I’m a person who likes to get to where I am going, enjoy what I came to enjoy, and then return home. I don’t pay much attention to what’s in between my departure more

  • 25. Adopted

    Contributed on Jan 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Like Jesus, God calls us into ministry through our baptism and gives us the things that we need to meet everyone of the challenges we may face.

    Mark 1: 4-11 “Adopted” INTRODUCTION We have our challenges cut out for us this year. All of us have been affected by the economic recession. In 2009 we face a depressed housing market, depleted savings, curtailed income and the increased tension of living a hand to mouth existence. We more

  • 26. Water For Dry Times

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well, speaks of living water, true worship, and the fields white for harvest.

    John 4:1-42 “Water for Dry Times” INTRODUCTION The writer of John paints a stark contrast between the Jewish leader, Nicodemus in chapter three and the Samaritan woman at the well in chapter four. The Pharisee and religious leader has a name, the woman is unnamed. The man more

  • 27. Sustenance

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2014

    Jesus identifies himself as the bread of life. He is the food that gives us life and sustains us.

    John 6:41-59 “Sustenance” INTRODUCTION Valentine’s Day was two days ago. For many of us, we bowed to the Hallmark marketers and attempted to make the day a time for love and romance. We purchased cards, flowers, chocolates, and perhaps even jewelry, and gave them to more