Sermon Series
  • 1. The 7 Reasons We Should Focus On Numerical Growth

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2019

    Every church should have SOULS BEING SAVED and CHURCH GROWTH as part of their vision. Jesus died for the world, and now he sends us out to tell the nations about Him and what He has done.

    SO, WHY NUMERICAL GROWTH? Why should we be concerned about numbers? There are seven main reasons: The Command of Scripture The Cost of a Soul The Caution of Scripture The Compassion of the Saviour The Call to Sinners The Conviction of the Saints The Crown of the Soul-winner 1. THE COMMAND OF more

  • 2. Salvation And Repentance

    Contributed on Jun 25, 2019

    For a person to come to Christ they must repent of their sins. This message encourages people to repent.

    WHAT IS REPENTANCE? 1. Repentance is more than ‘sorrow for sin’. If I were caught for speeding and given a heavy fine, I would be very sorry, but that would not prove my repentance. I might just be sorry I got caught! 2. Repentance, instead, would mean sorrow for a good and wise law that I had more

  • 3. Christ Came To Take Away Sin

    Contributed on Jun 25, 2019

    We all have broken the laws and commands of God. As a result, we stand guilty and condemned before Him. But Christ came to take away our sin.

    Jesus came into the world to deal with sin A. The reason Jesus came into this world to die for us. 1. Essentially, and primarily, Jesus came to deal with 2 great problems: Sin and death. Rom 8:1-2. 2. They are interlinked. Sin led to death. 3. But the main problem is sin. 4. See Matt more