Sermon Series
  • 1. Totally Clean

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    How a Leper’s life was changed by meeting Jesus’ face to face.

    Totally Clean “face to Face” Sermon series Sunday June 24th 2007 Intro: We have a play set in our back yard, and under it the kids have seen it as great fun to dig up the dirt. They love to sit out there and play in the dirt. And the only thing greater than playing in dirt is playing in mud. more

  • 2. Out On A Limb

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    How Zacchaeus’ life was changed by coming face to face with Jesus

    Out on a Limb Series: face to Face Sunday Sermon, July 1st 2007 Intro: Video Jesus was on His way to that Cross when He passed through a very famous town named Jericho. Like a Rose day parade to witness Jesus passing by, hundreds or even thousands of people lined the street that day. more

  • 3. Bringing Out Your Best

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    How Joseph of Arimathaea was changed by coming face to face with Jesus

    Bringing out your best Face to Face / July 22nd 2007 Intro: One of my favorite things about God is His ability to transform a person’s life. He beautifully sets people free from sin and bondage and firmly establishes His character into their lives. He brings out your best Those more

  • 4. Almost

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Pilate was almost changed by his face to face encounter with Jesus. What should he have done?

    Almost Series: “face to Face” Sunday sermon / July 8th 2007 Intro: Not every person who came face to Face with Jesus was beautifully transformed. Some of their stories are tragedies rather than “Happily-ever-afters.” The man we will look at today did come face to Face with Jesus and the more

  • 5. A Changed Heart

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2008

    The Thief crucified beside Jesus was forever changed with his face to face encounter with the Saviour.

    A Changed Heart Series: “face to Face” Sunday sermon / July 15th Intro: the man we are looking into today isn’t even named in Scripture. He came face to Face with Jesus in the most horrible way. They were crucified together. And actually there were three men crucified that day. The more

  • 6. A Good Dad

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    How one Father and Son were changed by meeting Jesus face to face. This sermon was preached on Father’s Day.

    A Good Dad “face to Face” Sermon series June 17th 2007 / Father’s Day Intro: We are starting a new sermon series this morning called “face to Face” There isn’t any better way to communicate than “face to face” We have continually made new ways to communicate over the years; we have, more