Sermon Series
  • 1. The First Father

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2021

    It is true that we must trace the fall of man to Adam, and there is no way to minimize the harm he brought to the human race by his sin. But the fact remains that somebody has to have been an example of righteousness in that beginning generation, and the evidence points to Adam.

    Ronald and Nancy Reagan had something in common in their childhood, and that was that they both had fallen fathers. When Ron came home one day as an 11 year old boy he found his father flat on his back on the front porch, and there was no one there to help. He said, "He was drunk, dead to more

  • 2. The Father Of The Future

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2021

    Here was a father who put God first in his life. He chose to be a miserable minority going against the grain. His boys probably did complain at times that it was very difficult to put up with the mockery. Noah had to do a lot of encouraging to keep them faithful.

    It is tough to be a father in this world where everything is changing so fast. In Africa the custom of selling the bride to her future husband has been challenged for sometime by Christian daughters. They feel it is a evil custom to be sold like an object to the highest bidder. They have more

  • 3. A Father's Fears

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2021

    The son is only a promise, but already Manoah is filled with anxiety. He is overcome by his inadequacy to be a father. In verse 8 he cries out in prayer, "O Lord, I beg you, let the man of God you sent to us come again to teach us how to bring up the boy who is to be born."

    According to the Guiness Book of Records the last Emperor of Morocco, Moulay Ismail, who lived 100 years from 1627 to 1727 was reported to have fathered 548 sons and 340 daughters for a grand total of 888. He would, no doubt, say amen to the brief poem of Wilhelm Busch, "Becoming a father is more

  • 4. A Supportive Father

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2021

    Jesus received praise and approval from His Father in heaven. This is a gift you cannot buy. John Drescher, one of the greatest authors of the 20th century, says that if he could go back and raise his children over he would be more free to express words of praise and appreciation.

    Tal Bonham writes about how one night he slipped a poster under the doors of each of his two teenage sons. The poster said- Attention teenagers! If you are tired of being hassled by Unreasonable parents, Now is the time for action! Leave home and pay your own way While you still know more

  • 5. A Full Time Father

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Any father who fails to live his faith just as well save his breath. Children imitate what is, and not what ought to be. Children of bad fathers can still find good examples of faith to follow, but every father should want to be that ideal for his own children.

    A Berlin policeman was crossing the street when a robber raced by him with an angry store manager in hot pursuit. To the surprise of hundreds of on lookers the policeman didn't make a move. The robber got away and the police department was flooded with calls from indignant citizens. When the more

  • 6. The Duties Of Dads

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2021

    This is a big area, and it involves giving your children a wise and biblical perspective socially, economically, educationally, and morally. It is no wonder that it is so easy to fail as a father. You have to know how to live wisely and godly yourself in order to be an effective teacher and guide.

    A teacher took her class of young boys and girls to the zoo where they were seeing many animals for the first time. They came to one large enclosed area, and the teacher pointed to the graceful inhabitants and said, "Children, that is what your mother always calls your father." One more

  • 7. The Father's Job

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2021

    Fathers are God's agents of the law, but they are also God's agents of grace. To be the first, and not the second, is to be one testament shy of a Bible, or shy of God's full revelation. A half of a Bible is not the Bible, and half of a father is not a father.

    Dick Van Dyke tells the stories of how children act toward their father when they are angry. In his book Faith, Hope and Hilarity he tells of a boy who had been spanked by his father for making too much noise. The boy climbed into his mother's lap and said, "Mama I wish you had married more

  • 8. The Prodigal's Father

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2021

    Fathers need some encouragement. There are two things I see in the parable of the Prodigal that can be an encouragement to fathers, for these two things make it clear that fatherhood is hard, but that there is hope. The two things I see here are the intricacy and the intimacy of fatherhood

    We live in the age of the marvelous machine. In Washington D. C. the traffic for a half mile around the White House is controlled by a computer system. The system is constantly telling the lights when to change to move the traffic according to the need. 450 buses have a transmitter which is more