Sermon Series
  • 1. The Foundation For My Hope

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The first of a five part series from 1 Peter that deals with how to find hope for our lives.

    We live in a world that desperately needs some hope: • Hurricanes and earthquakes • Threat of terrorist attacks • Rising energy prices that threaten our economy and our own personal finances • Increasing crime • Bird flu pandemic In a world like that people look for hope in all kinds of more

  • 2. Hope When I'm Tempted

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    Second in a five part series from 1 Peter that adddresses how t find hope in our lives.

    A minister parked his car in a no-parking zone in a large city because he was short of time and couldn’t find a space with a meter. Then he put a note under the windshield wiper that read: "I have circled the block 10 times. If I don’t park here, I’ll miss my appointment. Forgive us our more

  • 3. Hope For My Home

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Third in a five part series from 1 Peter that addresses how to find hope for our lives.

    In a September 2004 survey, the Barna Group found the following results: • Of those over 18 who have been married, 35% have been divorced • 7% of all who have been married have been divorced multiple times • Among born-again Christians the statistics are virtually identical, even when divorces more

  • 4. Hope When Life Is Unfair

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Fourth of a five part series from 1 Peter that addresses how to find hope in our lives.

    Life is unfair: • Company goes bankrupt and you lose your job • Invest your money with the Baptist Foundation and you lose much of your life’s savings. • A hurricane or an earthquake hits and you lose all your possessions • A loved one dies or gets seriously ill Read 1 Peter 3:14-17 "Most more

  • 5. Regaining Hope When It Seems Lost

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    Last of a five part series frm 1 Peter about finding hope for our lives.

    Read 1 Peter 4:7-11 Background The end of all things is near… (V.7) • Letter probably written by Peter in mid 60’s AD • By then Christians were beginning to undergo persecution by Nero • Peter sees what is happening and thinking back to the words of Jesus believes that the return of Jesus more