Sermon Series
  • 1. Sex, God's Wedding Gift

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    A look at why sex is for within the marriage relationship

    When I was young I was told that there were three things you never talked about in polite company. Sex, religion and Politics. A few years ago it was decreed by the government that if a Pastor told his congregation how to vote that the church would lose it’s charitable status. Well we don’t want more

  • 2. Marriage, What It Is And What It Ain't

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    A look at what defines what marriage is

    Last week we began our Growing Great Families with the message “Sex, God’s Wedding gift” and I talked about how in God’s perfect plan sex was reserved for within marriage. Now most people know what sex is, perhaps with the exception of Bill Clinton. With that in mind it would only be fair to more

  • 3. Marriage, Keeping It Together

    Contributed on Jan 28, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    A number of suggestions from scripture for keeping our marriages together

    I have been pastoring for 27 years now, I have performed well over 50 weddings. Couples ranging in age from their teens to their seventies and I am have watched any number of marriages end. And some have happened because of some serious stuff. Wives fed up with physical abuse who have finally more

  • 4. Pitfalls Of Parenting 1

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Parenting is an awesome responsibility here are some hints to make it easier.

    “The Pitfalls of Parenting, from the bottom of the Pit” Part 1 Let’s see we are in week four now. Week one was Sex, God’s Wedding Gift, Week two was Marriage, What it is and what it ain’t. Last week was Marriage, Keeping it together, and here we are at parenting. And like in the real world more

  • 5. Pitfalls Of Parenting 2

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This is the second sermon looking at tips for successful parenting.

    Pitfalls of Parenting from the bottom of the Pit 2 I think it was John Wilmot 2 Earle of Rochester who said, “Before I was married I had six theories on raising children, now I have six children and no theories.” Last week we looked at Proverbs 22:6 Direct your children onto the right path, and more

  • 6. Honour Your Parents, Even When. . .

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This message takes a look at how we honour our parents at different points in our life.

    So let’s see, where are we? We started in January with Sex God’s Wedding Gift, then there was “Marriage What it is and What it Ain’t”, “Marriage keeping it all Together” and two messages on Parenting. Now it’s time to make a 180 percent turn and go from being parents to being children of parents. more