Sermon Series
  • 1. The Heart Of A Godly Leader

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Being a godly leader, Habakkuk saw problems which others could not see. The same is true for leaders today.

    The Heart of a Godly Leader Habakkuk 1:1-4 * Take a minute and look around you at the people in this room. Even though we think we know almost every person in this room, there is a good possibility that the person sitting on the same row with you has experienced or is experiencing deep hurt, more

  • 2. Changing The Course

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2008

    A call to the believing citizens to see and respond to God’s work in the land.

    Changing the Course Habakkuk 1:5-11 * With the importance of this week looming large, I went to my bookshelf and reviewed some of the books found there. The titles which I found there (I.E. Heal our Land, Seducing America, Reclaiming Morality in America, Preserve us a Nation, A Nation with a more

  • 3. Contrasting God And Man - Pt 2

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2008

    This message majors on the "Accurate View of Mankind"

    Contrasting God and Man – Pt 2 Habakkuk 1:12-17 * If I could have one wish at this point in my life, I would wish that I go back in my life and began to serious study God’s word as a young man. There is an old gospel song entitled, “Wasted Years” which expresses my sentiments in this regard. more

  • 4. Contrasting God And Man – Pt 1

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2008

    This message gives us an "Appropriate View of God"

    Contrasting God and Man – Pt 1 Habakkuk 1:12-17 * It’s the fall of the year. It’s a beautiful time. Many things show evidence of the season we are in; the weather has cooled off, vegetation is in a different status of growth or death, the colors of the leaves are changing, and much more can be more