Sermon Series
  • 1. Faith For All Of Life

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2014

    Abraham is the father of all those who believe, the central figure in Judaism, . . . the runner-up is Moses. He is the most highly regarded ancestor of Israel, next to Abraham.

    Hebrews Sermon Series “Faith For All of Life” Heb. 11.23-29 August 6, 2014 Chester’s FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson Introduction: A Abraham is the father of all those who believe, the central figure in Judaism, . . . the runner-up is Moses. 1 He, Moses, is the most more

  • 2. The Blood Covenant Pt. 1

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2014

    As Christians, we have dual citizenship in two worlds, the earthly/heavenly; physical/invisible; natural/supernatural.

    The Blood Covenant (Pt. 1) Hebrews Sermon Series May 14, 2014 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A As Christians, we have dual citizenship in two worlds, the earthly/heavenly; physical/invisible; natural/supernatural. 1 Matthew 22:21 (NASB) 21 They said to more

  • 3. The Blood Covenant Pt. 2

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2014

    Jesus is heaven this evening, seated at the right hand of the Father, guaranteeing the promise of the covenant in two aspects: Legal Guarantee and Living Guarantee.

    The Blood Covenant Pt. 2 Hebrews Series Hebrews 9.10-26 B Jesus is heaven this evening, seated at the right hand of the Father, guaranteeing the promise of the covenant in two aspects: Legal Guarantee and Living Guarantee. The Preservation of the Covenant I The Legal Guarantee Hebrews more

  • 4. The Tragedy Of Neglect

    Contributed on May 20, 2014

    It’s not uncommon to see homes, old business buildings, farms in disrepair, dilapidated, testimonies of neglect. As sad as each of these instances of neglect may be, they fail to be as sad as when someone rejects God’s gift of salvation.

    The Tragedy of Neglect Hebrews Series Pt. 2 2/19/2014 Introduction A Living in Chester (So. IL) it’s not uncommon to see homes, old business buildings, farms in disrepair, dilapidated, testimonies of neglect. 1 Many nursing homes are sadly neglecting their senior residents, unfit parents more

  • 5. Don't Lose Heart

    Contributed on Dec 26, 2014

    The author has just finished leading us through God’s Hall of Fame (From Able to “the others”), he gives us the greatest example/champion of faith. When our Lord was here on earth, He lived by faith.

    Hebrews Series Hebrews 12.1-17 Don’t Lose Heart #22 September 14, 2014 Introduction: A The author has just finished leading us through God’s Hall of Fame (From Able to “the others”), he gives us the greatest example/champion of faith. 1 When our Lord was here on more

  • 6. The Tests Of Faith

    Contributed on Dec 14, 2014

    There are some great examples of faith in the O.T. (Noah, Moses, Joshua, David, etc.) But the greatest specimen is Abraham.

    Hebrews Series “The Tests of Faith” Heb. 11.8-19 July 27,2014 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A There are some great examples of faith in the O.T. (Noah, Moses, Joshua, David, etc.) But the greatest specimen is Abraham. 1 He is the more

  • 7. God's Last Word

    Contributed on May 20, 2014

    Hebrews is, in my opinion, one of the least studied & preached books in the N.T. The audience Hebrews was written to were Jewish people who had been saved upon hearing the gospel preached by the disciples who had labored alongside our Lord.

    Hebrew Series God’s Last Word 2/12/14 Heb. 1:1-3 Introduction A Hebrews is, in my opinion, one of the least studied & preached books in the N.T. 1 Hebrews was written while the Temple in Jerusalem was still functioning. (Prior to 70 A.D.) a The audience Hebrews was written to were Jewish more

  • 8. God's New Deal

    Contributed on Oct 28, 2014

    The same Jesus who walked the dusty trails of Israel, died on a cross, arose from the dead, and ascended on high is now our Mediator with God.

    God’s New Deal Hebrews Series Hebrews 8.1-13 May 7, 2014 Chester FBC Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A In our text we will see a glimpse of Jesus’ heavenly work. 1 It’s inspiring, encouraging, exciting to know that this moment, One who bears the more

  • 9. How To Recognize A Spiritual Leader

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2014

    The author describes one group in the church in particular that are to be “remembered”, “those who led you”. Guiding/leading men/spiritual leaders at the local church/assembly.

    How to Recognize a Spiritual Leader Hebrew Series 12/03/14 Introduction A. The author describes one group in the church in particular that are to be “remembered”, “those who led you”. 1. Guiding/leading men/spiritual leaders at the local church/assembly. a. Where more

  • 10. The Life Of Faith

    Contributed on Nov 11, 2014

    Jesus is superior to anyone/anything in the Old Testament. He is the fulfillment of all the rituals, symbols & prophecies found there.

    Hebrews Sermon Series #15 June, 18, 2014 The Life of Faith A Jesus is superior to anyone/anything in the Old Testament. 1 He is the fulfillment of all the rituals, symbols & prophecies found there. a Hebrews 10:37-38 (NKJV) 37 "For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will more

  • 11. Heart Trouble

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2014

    One of the top 15 diseases in our day is called, “arteriosclerosis.”It is a hardening of the arteries. In recent years, I fear that Christians have developed a “hardening the spiritual arteries.”

    Heart Trouble Hebrews Sermon Series Hebrews 3.7-4.11 March 9, 2014 Chester FBC * Chester, Illinois Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A One of the top 15 diseases in our day is called, “arteriosclerosis.” 1 It is a hardening of the arteries. (Restricts blood flow more

  • 12. Faith For Tough Times

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2014

    In all of Scripture there are few passages more inspiring than ten verses we’ll explore in this particular message.

    Faith For Tough Times Hebrews 11.30-40 Hebrews Series 8.20.14 Chester’s FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A In all of Scripture there are few passages more inspiring than ten verses we’ll explore in this particular message. 1 The valiant exploits, more

  • 13. Death Destroyed- - - Life Restored

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2014

    Angels were not created to have dominion over this earth, little on the world to come, but as of right now, the angels are in control.

    Hebrews Series “Death Destroyed- - - Life Restored” Heb. 2.5-18 February 26, 2014 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction I He Fixed What Was Forfeited in the Fall (v.5-9.) Hebrews 2:5-9 (NASB) 5 For He did not subject to angels the world to come, more

  • 14. Where On Earth Does God Live?

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    There have been at least six houses across the years, four of them were patterned after the plans God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai, where God has lived.

    Where On Earth Does God Live? Hebrew Series * Hebrews 3.1-6 March 2, 2014 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A There have been at least six houses across the years, four of them were patterned after the plans God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. 1 The two most more

  • 15. The Warning From Heaven

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Hebrews 12 is a series of B-12 shots of encouragement for the Believer to be faithful, hold the course, not turn back.

    Hebrews Sermon Series “The Warning From Heaven” Hebrews 12.18-29 10/15/14 CFBC Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A Hebrews 12 is a series of B-12 shots of encouragement for the Believer to be faithful, hold the course, not turn back. 1 The B-12 shots more

  • 16. The Life That Pleases God

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2014

    The writer of Hebrews makes the intangibility of faith a practical thing.Faith is what allows us to understand what God does, to see what others cannot see. As a result, faith enables us to do what others cannot do.

    Hebrews Series “The Life That Pleases God” Heb. 11.4-7 July 9,2014 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A The writer of Hebrews makes the intangablity of faith a practical thing. 1 “By faith we understand . . .” (Heb. more

  • 17. The Victory Of Faith

    Contributed on Dec 14, 2014

    It is at the end of life that faith’s victory is seen most clearly. It’s at the end of our journey that proves whether our faith was shallow or deep; cheap or precious.

    Hebrews Series “The Victory of Faith” Heb. 11.20-22 July 30, 2014 Chester’s FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A It is at the end of life that faith’s victory is seen most clearly. 1 I remember reading an article when I was in my early more

  • 18. A Pastor's Heart

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    These final words in Hebrews pull away the veil that hides the heart of the author (His identity is in question, but his heart is on full display.) In these closing verses we discover the deepest desires/longings in the heart of the man of God.

    A Pastor’s Heart Heb. 13.18-25 Hebrews Sermon Series December 14, 2014 Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A These final words in Hebrews pull away the veil that hides the heart of the author (His identity is in question, but his heart is on full display.) 1 In these more

  • 19. Do You Walk With Him Or On Him?

    Contributed on Nov 11, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Tonight, we will discover the fourth of five warnings given in the book of Hebrews.

    “Do You Walk With Him or On Him?” Hebrews Series (10:26-36) Based upon Ron Philips book “Hebrews: Finding the Better Way” June 10, 2014 Chester FBC Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A Tonight, we will discover the fourth of five warnings given more

  • 20. The Anchor Of The Soul

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2014

    In a world shrouded in hopelessness it is important there is a strong testimony from the Church that we know where true hope rests, in Christ. He is the anchor of our soul.

    The Anchor of the Soul Hebrews Series * Heb. 5.11-6.20 April 2, 2014 Chester’s FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A A traveler to Greece witnessed a worker cleaning the Pantheon; the worker commented to the tourist, “You know, what 25 centuries could more

  • 21. What Makes The Bible Different?

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2014

    The writer of Hebrews was concerned that his audience see the importance of the Word of God. When God speaks (through His Written Word or through the Living Word) it is different from the words spoken of men.

    What Makes The Bible Different? Hebrews Series 4.12,13 March 19, 2014 * Chester FBC, Chester, IL * Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A The writer of Hebrews was concerned that his audience see the importance of the Word of God. 1 Most of the words the author wrote in the first four more

  • 22. Whats Jesus Been Doing?

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2014

    Jesus has already been identified as our High Priest in Hebrews. He is called our “merciful & faithful High Priest.” But what has been been doing since he arose to heaven?

    Hebrews Series “So, Jesus, What Have You Been Doing Lately?” Hebrews 4.14-5.10 March 26, 2014 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Introduction: A Jesus has already been identified as our High Priest in Hebrews. He is called our “merciful & faithful High more

  • 23. Motives For Faithfulness

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2014

    There is a plaque that is devastating the modern church, unfaithfulness.

    Motives For Faithfulness Hebrews Series Heb. 10.1-25 June 8, 2014 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A There is a plaque that is devastating the modern church, unfaithfulness. 1 Over 40% of members in an average congregation never attend more

  • 24. Christian Love Life

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2014

    We can get the impression that the author of Hebrews had several items he wanted to relate to his reader yet he saved them till the very end.

    Hebrews Sermon Series “The Christian Love Life” Hebrews 13.1-6 10/26/14 CFBC Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A We can get the impression that the author of Hebrews had several items he wanted to relate to his reader yet he saved them till the very more

  • 25. Power Of His Word

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2014

    Hebrews 11.1-3 is a glimpse into faith defined before we see a list of faith displayed.

    Hebrews Sermon Series #16 June 25, 2014 Power of His Word A Hebrews 11.1-3 is a glimpse into faith defined before we see a list of faith displayed. Hebrews 11:1-3 (NKJV) 1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good more