Sermon Series
  • 1. This Thing Called Faith

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    What is faith?

    Tonight I want to talk about this thing called faith! I mean, what the heck is it? We hear it talked about all the time. Married couples are supposed to remain faithful. Church tells us to be men and women of faith. Even the Boston Red Sox motto for the year is, “Keep the Faith.” But do we really more

  • 2. You Want Me To Do What?

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    God asks Noah to build the ark. What is he asking us to do?

    Tonight we are going to start looking at men and women in the Bible who were commended for their faith. The last two weeks we have thought about what faith is but I think it is helpful to talk about people who lived out their faith. So to start off, I want to have Brian come up and lead us in more

  • 3. God's Funny

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    How do you respond to God when he asks you to step out in faith?

    The Top Ten Bulletin Announcements 10. A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow. 9. The choir invites any member if the congregation who enjoys sinning to join the choir. 8. Thursday night – Potluck Supper. Prayer and medication to follow. 7. Due to more

  • 4. Giving Everything

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    How much of our lives should we being giving to God?

    As I have been spending time reading God’s Word in the mornings, I have been trying to pick out verses to think about throughout the day. One particular verse that has jumped out at me this past week is 1 Corinthians 6:12. "‘Everything is permissible for me’--but not everything is beneficial. more

  • 5. Remember My Faith

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    How do you want to be remembered when you die?

    Earlier this morning, I took a walk down to the graveyard and took some pictures of some of the gravestones there. I’d like to look at them together right now, thinking of one question. How are these people remembered? ***Go through images*** This week, as I thought about and studied the more

  • 6. Family Faith

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    We need to be the Body of Christ

    Object Lesson – Whirlpool in the Sanctuary. Have all the youth run a circle and then pick the smallest youth and have him or her run in the opposite direction. I think this is the same way that we, as Christians, find our selves feeling towards the world and culture around us. As we read God’s more

  • 7. Making God'y Choices

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    We need to try our best to make Godly decisions because what God wants for us isn’t always the same thing that the culture wants for us.

    ***Start off with Choose Your Own Adventure*** Throughout our lives we are going to have to make a lot of decisions. Most often when we are thinking about what direction to go or what decision to make we try to make the decision that is best for us. In our culture we are told that picking the more

  • 8. Nothing Is Impossible With God

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005

    Nothing Is Impossible With God

    ***Start with Role Play*** 1 girl – Mary 1 girl – Mary’s Mom 1 guy – Mary’s Dad 1 guy – Joseph Mary has just found out that she is pregnant but she is still a virgin and now needs to tell her parents and boyfriend that she is pregnant. The scripture that I want to look at today can be more

  • 9. Have Faith, I'm Here

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    God is always with us whether we realize it or not.

    *Open with skit* Have a man standing and looking at a piece of art work (Man 1), another man walks up (Man 2) and they stand next to each other for a moment. Man 2 - turns to the other man and says, “What do you think about this piece?” Man 1 - answers by completely bashing the piece of more

  • 10. Faith Is Active

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Having faith means living it out.

    Last week we talked about faith and as we looked at a story about a man named Gideon we reached the conclusion that faith begins when we acknowledge that God is with us. If we remember the passage from last week, Gideon was in a winepress when the angle of the Lord appeared to him. Gideon more

  • 11. Room For Growth

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    No matter how old we are we still grow more!

    Last June, there was a small group of us who went and climbed Mount Major in New Hampshire. Similar to any mountain that you would climb, Mount Major had different degrees of difficulty along the way to the top. We started out in the parking lot, where it was completely flat and very easy to walk more