Sermon Series
  • 1. Trinity - What The Early Church Believed

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2001
    based on 40 ratings

    This study looks at the writings of the church prior to the first church council. Beginning at the apostles and those they discipled, we can see what the church believed from the beginning.

    What the early church believed In Part 1 we set the stage for the council. We looked at the fact that these men were Christians who suffered for their faith. Just 14 years earlier, they came out of the last great Roman persecution. They resisted against the attacks from outside the church at the more

  • 2. Heresies Confronted By The Early Church

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2001
    based on 41 ratings

    Many modern errors stem from the early heresies. This study looks at what the teachers of heresy believed and how the church refuted these doctrines.

    Heresies and Heretics in the Early Church Early church fathers focused much energy on refuting heretical views that infiltrated the church. The majority of the Trinity quotes were written in response to heresy being taught within the church. A heresy is simply a doctrine that strays from the more

  • 3. Divinity Of Jesus

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2001
    based on 28 ratings

    Does the Bible plainly state the divinity of Jesus?

    Doctrine of the Trinity Why didn’t the apostles plainly state doctrine such as the Trinity? In epistles, we only get a snapshot of doctrine. The apostles spent most of their energy planting and building churches and discipling leaders. Their primary method of teaching doctrine was personal more

  • 4. Is Jesus Jehovah?

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2001
    based on 28 ratings

    Jeremiah 23 says that Jehovah our Righteousness will arise out of the branch of David. In Revelation 22 Jesus said He was the Root and the offspring of David. This takes a deeper look at this topic.

    Is Jesus Jehovah? Throughout the New Testament, Jesus is given attributes that the LORD (Jehovah) of the Old Testament identified for Himself. God stated that He would judge the world in the Old Testament, the New Testament states that, “For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment more

  • 5. Trinity In The Old Testament

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2001
    based on 138 ratings

    This looks at the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity from the testimonies of the church fathers and from the Old Testament.

    Three Persons Historically, the greatest attack on the doctrine of the Trinity has been targeted at the person of Jesus Christ. Heresy has primarily centered around the question of ‘who Jesus is’. Therefore, up to this point I have focused on the identity and deity of Jesus Christ. If someone does more

  • 6. Trinity In The New Testament

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    The last message looked at the Trinity revealed in the Old Testament, this looks at the New Testament doctrine of the Trinity.

    The Trinity in the New Testament The New Testament is filled with references to the uniqueness of the persons of the Godhead while affirming the One God. Those who affirm the deity of Christ and still deny His eternal distinction from the Father have to explain away Trinity-supporting scriptures. more