Sermon Series
  • 1. Job: The Big Picture

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2005
    based on 165 ratings

    One of the questions that has been around for thousands of years is: "If God loves me, why on earth would He allow me to suffer so much?" Dr. Dunn helps us take a look at the big picture surrounding this question as it relates to suffering.

    Job: The Big Picture Job 1-2 Intro: Kurt Cobain ended his life about 10 years ago (4/1994). filled with bitterness and anger. He was the founder and lead singer of the group "Nirvana." His violent suicide prompted a lot of questions. "Why? He had it all…a great career, dedicated fans, more

  • 2. Job: One Man's Tragedy

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    Life is full of suffering. In this fallen world, marred by sin and plagued by Satan, suffering is par for the course. How we respond to our suffering says so much about us. In this message, Pastor Dunn helps us look at one man who faced one tragedy after

    One Man’s Tragedy Job 1:1-22 Intro: Life is full of suffering. In this fallen world, marred by sin and plagued by Satan, suffering is par for the course. The effects of the curse are everywhere. But how we respond to our suffering says a lot about us. Many people hide or mask their more

  • 3. The Source Of Our Suffering

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Suffering comes to everyone. In fact there is not one person who can escape the sting and pain of suffering. However, when we understand the possible sources of our suffering, then we are in a position to move ahead in life as we seek God’s purposes.

    The Source Of Our Suffering 1. Suffering May Be Caused By the Activity of Satan… Job 1-2 a. Satan desires to destroy us physically. b. Satan desires to destroy us emotionally. c. Satan desires to destroy us spiritually. 2. Suffering May Be Caused by the Activity of Ungodly People… Rom. more

  • 4. Spiritual Warfare 101

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    All of us are engaged in a battle every single day of our life! This is a battle where no one can go AWOL! Dr. Dunn continues the series: "Finding Hope In The Midst Of Suffering" while looking at the reality of the spiritual war that every person faces. L

    I. The Presence of Satan a. He is real b. He is alive c. He is active II. The Activity of Satan a. He has direct access to God… Job 1:6 b. He seeks to destroy… Job 1:17; 1 Pet. 5:8 i. He blinds our minds…(2 Cor. 4:4) ii. He seduces our hearts… (2 Cor. 11:3) iii. He hinders our more

  • 5. Job: With Friends Like These

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2005
    based on 35 ratings

    Well meaning friends desire to help those who are hurting. In their sincerity, they may actually hinder rather than help.

    With Friends like These Job 4-8 Four Different Friends: 1. Eliphaz – became proud as he spoke of his supposed insight to Job’s situation… 4:12-16 He made three incorrect assumptions of Job’s situation: a. Innocent people never suffer. b. Those who are suffering are being punished for more

  • 6. Job: The 4 Spiritual Flaws

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    Well, most of us have heard about the evangelism tract, The 4 Spiritual Laws. In this message today, Pastor Dunn talks about the 4 Spiritual Flaws that Job temporarily buys into. Let’s listen in...

    The 4 Spiritual Flaws Job 9-10 Intro: Many have heard of the 4 Spiritual Laws… here they are: 4 Spiritual Laws: 1. God Loves You And Has A Wonderful Plan For Your Life! John 3:16 2. Man Is Sinful and Separated From God, Therefore he cannot know and experience God’s love and plan more