Sermon Series
  • 1. If Part 1

    Contributed on Feb 29, 2020

    This series is about "IF" and how we respond to our "IF" situations Scripturally. How we respond to God’s commands that include "IF" conditions directly affect our fellowship with Him and what we receive from Him.

    IF – Part 1 Scripture: Genesis 18:26; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Proverbs 16:18; 29:23 This morning I am starting a new series that I have titled “If.” How many times have we made decisions in our past and looked back on those decisions and asked ourselves “what if?” What if I had made a different more

  • 2. If Part 2

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2020

    In this message we examine the IF situations that pertains to our hearts.

    IF – Part 2 Scripture: Daniel 3:12-18; 1 John 4:11-12, 20; Romans 10:8-10 This is part two of my series on “IF”. Last week I shared with you that in this series I wanted us to think about what the word “IF” truly means as it relates to defining how we interact with God. I shared with you that more

  • 3. If Part 3

    Contributed on Mar 8, 2020

    Part 3 of this series focuses on IF as it pertains to our heart and the beliefs that resides within it.

    IF – Part 3 Scripture: Daniel 3:12-18; John 11:21-26; Romans 10:8-10 This is part three of my series on “IF”. As I have shared previously, “IF”, as defined in the dictionary, is “a conjunction used to indicate the circumstances that would have to exist in order for an event to happen.” When this more

  • 4. If Part 4

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2020

    In Part 4 of this series we examine IF situations that pertains to our being obedient to God.

    IF Part 4 Scripture: Genesis 2:16-17; 3:17; Exodus 19:5-6; 23:21-22 This the fourth message in my series on the importance of paying attention to the word “IF” when we read it in the Bible. Although a small word, as we’ve seen in the first three messages, for a person who says he or she is more

  • 5. If Part 5

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2020

    This is the conclusion of my series on IF and discusses our IF situations relating to faith.

    IF Part 5 Scripture: Proverbs 2:1-5; 9-11; Hebrews 11:13-15; Matthew 17:14-21 This message concludes my five part series on “IF”. In the first four messages I gave you the definition of “IF” and how it relates to our fellowship with God. I talked about “IF” as it pertains to our pride; our more