Sermon Series
  • 1. Study 1 - Jesus Is God.

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    Study 1 of a major series giving a reply to Jehovah`s Witnesses false teaching - Studies 2-10 also on site

    Michael Green, in his book "Man Alive" says, "Jesus made the most shattering claims in the course of His teaching. There is no parallel to them in any of the world`s religions. And it simply will not do to neglect them, as is commonly done by agnostic writers. Yet, if you account them as part of more

  • 2. Study 2 - How Could All The Fullness Of God Dwell In Jesus?

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    Study 2 of a Major Series on Christian belief as a response to the Jehovah`s Witnesses.

    September the 11th saw tremendous acts of self-sacrifice. What happened then was costly. That is what real love is like. It is willing to deprive itself. It is willing to give, even unto death in the cause of humanity. And yet the love that we saw that day, from priest and fire-service, police, and more

  • 3. Study 3 - How Could All The Fullness Of God Dwell In Jesus?

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Study 3 of a major series(continued from Study 2)-Christianity is a faith which is extremely simple, yet tremendously profound!

    Some time ago a friend of mine discovered that her sister might have to have a kidney operation - it might be necessary to have a new kidney from a donor. My friend offered her own kidney to her sister. This act was a real expression of love. She was saying to her sister, "I am prepared to take a more

  • 4. Study 4 - Does The Bible Say That Jesus Is God?

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Study 4 of a series setting out Christian Belief in Jesus as God.

    The J.W`s say that nowhere in the Bible do you find any statement that Jesus is God. They are wrong. The Bible says that Jesus is God right through the Old Testament and on to the end of the New. In these next studies I intend to show that very clearly. Let`s look at the claims of Jesus. a) more

  • 5. Study 5 - "Jesus - God Or Lunatic?"

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2002
    based on 16 ratings

    Study 5 - Jesus claimed such tremendous things that He was either mad, (as His family once claimed), or telling the truth that He was God

    Jesus made many other claims than those we saw in Study 4. For instance: 1. He claimed to FORGIVE SINS. To the paralysed man Jesus did not say, "God will pardon your sins one day". He Himself pronounced that the man`s sins were forgiven! The Jews immediately challenged Him: "Who can forgive more

  • 6. Study 6. Jesus - The Bridge Between God And Man

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2002
    based on 20 ratings

    Many other people came to recognise that Jesus was God in the New Testament.

    Jesus didn`t just appear without warning. Before He was born there were some who were told to expect Him. The Angel told His Mother that she should call His Name Jesus, and that that Name means "The Saviour". Jesus came to us with a special and divine purpose, the save men from themselves. In more

  • 7. Study 7 - Jesus At The Centre

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    Study 7 - St. John`s Gospel and his letters countering false teaching about Jesus

    The Jehovah`s Witnesses have vacillated in their teaching down the years between calling Jesus a man, and calling Him a god. It is quite evident that the Bible sees Him as far greater than just a man (although it does see Him as totally and completely Man), and present day Witnesses accept this, more

  • 8. Study 8 - Willing To Struggle?

    Contributed on Feb 13, 2002
    based on 23 ratings

    Study 8 - Are you willing to struggle with the real meat of Christian teaching?

    "God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit". It`s a strange formula, and one which many Christians prefer to accept on trust rather than struggle with it to see how it could possibly be like that. The Jehovah`s Witnesses say it has no foundation in Scripture, and is, in fact, of demonic more

  • 9. Study 9 - The Trinity In The Old Testament

    Contributed on Feb 13, 2002
    based on 77 ratings

    Study 9 - The Trinity is to be seen throughout the Old Testament.

    The Old Testament says that God is ONE, but does it ever say that God is MORE than ONE. Indeed it doe. If you study the Old Testament you will see the remarkable fact that, when it uses the Name "God", it uses it in the singular 250 times, but it uses it in the plural 2,000 times! In Genesis more