Sermon Series
  • 1. Preacher On The Run

    Contributed on Aug 25, 2005
    based on 67 ratings

    God demonstrates in His dealings with Jonah how great is His grace and patience toward us, and how His sovereignty is over all things.

    JONAH CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Here’s an old joke! Three athletes are about to be executed. One is a short dark haired hockey player; one is a bald headed tennis player, and the third is a tall blond haired soccer player. The guard brings the dark haired hockey player forward and the more

  • 2. Prayer In A Humble Place

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2005
    based on 44 ratings

    Here Jonah finds himself in a humble place where through prayer he gets back on track with God. His experience in the great fish shows us how sin sinks the soul; how hope is found in the depths and how grace lifts us up, resulting in a re-born compassion

    JONAH CHAPTER TWO INTRODUCTION In the late winter of 1891, the whale-ship ’Star of the East’ was in the area of the Falkland Islands when it sighted a whale. Two boats were sent out with harpoons to catch and kill the creature. But the whale’s lashing tail overturned one of the boats spilling more

  • 3. The Immeasurable Difference Between Our 'deservings' And Our 'receivings'

    Contributed on Sep 10, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    What is written in big letters all over the book of Jonah is God’s great grace and patience; His amazing mercy and kindness. How little we deserve it; in fact we don’t deserve it at all. As Richard Baxter put it: “What an astonishing thought it will be to

    JONAH CHAPTER THREE INTRODUCTION During the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge over San Francisco Bay, the work fell badly behind schedule because a number of workers had accidentally fallen from the scaffold to their deaths. The engineers and administrators couldn’t come up with a more

  • 4. The Beauty Of Grace Verses The Beast Of Sin

    Contributed on Sep 22, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    After all that’s happened so far – Jonah’s initial disobedience; God’s humbling of Jonah; Jonah’s going to Nineveh at the second time of asking; the Ninevites’ believing the message and being spared – surely you’d expect there to be a happy ending!

    JONAH CHAPTER FOUR INTRODUCTION Most of us love happy endings! My girls when they were little loved Disney’s, ‘Beauty and the Beast.’ In the closing scenes the beast lies dying from a wound inflicted during combat with Gaston his enemy. Belle the beauty finally confesses her love for the more