Sermon Series
  • 1. Jude’s Warning (Part 1)

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2016

    Jude's first desire was to write a friendly letter to encourage the church, but instead God pressed on Him to write one of conviction and dire warning to all. As Christians, we must be willing to use this example to share God's word truthfully as well!

    Jude’s Warning (Part 1) Jude 1-7 Introduction - Tonight we will begin to examine the book of Jude - Show of hands … be honest, who has ever read this book before? - It is unknown who this letter is written to --Probably written around 70 to 80 AD, to an early church more

  • 2. Jude’s Warning (Part 2)

    Contributed on Jan 29, 2016

    The term false teachers do not only apply to those who are "teaching", but to the entire church. Do we seek to tear one another down for our own selfish desires? Or, do we desire a closer relationship with Christ to show Him to others?

    Jude’s Warning (Part 2) Jude 8-16 Introduction - Tonight we will continue our study of the book of Jude - Jude writes with a heart of love of believers to strengthen them -- He started our hoping to write a peaceful letter to the early church -- A note of encouragement and more

  • 3. Jude’s Warning, Part 3

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2016

    Only God is able to keep you from falling away and stumbling. Because of that, His joy fills our hearts and souls as we live faithfully for Him. Can't we live and strive for His joy in our lives more and more?

    Jude’s Warning, Part 3 Jude 17-25 Introduction - Tonight we will conclude our study of the book of Jude - Last time we discussed four critical things about false teachers -- These make it easy to spot them, and to recognize their actions Jude says that they are judged for more