Sermon Series
  • 1. Lesson #1-God Never Goes To Sleep

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    The circumstances of Moses’ birth reveal much about the nature of God.

    Lesson # 1: God Never Goes to Sleep Exodus 2:1-10 Moses. We all remember Moses best because of the stirring portrayal by Charlton Heston from the great movie, The Ten Commandments. Still today, we can watch that movie and be inspired by the special effects, the costumes, and epic more

  • 2. Lessons Learned From A Failure

    Contributed on Aug 15, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Moses’ great failure actually led to a greater salvation.

    Lessons Learned from a Failure Exodus 2: 11-25 Ever considered starting life as a failure? Of course not, who would? But did you realize that many successful people began as failures. The great Polish pianist, Paderewski, was told by his music teacher that his hands were much too more

  • 3. There Are No Excuses With God

    Contributed on Sep 12, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    God always has an answer for every excuse we offer when he calls us.

    Lessons From the Life of Moses: There Are No Excuses with God Exodus 3:11- 4:17 “Excuses,” some wise sage once said, “are like armpits. Everyone has them and they usually all stink.” I was struck by a news article published by UPI that listed the most absurd excuses The Metropolitan more