Sermon Series
  • 1. Having Power Over Your Problems

    Contributed on Jul 2, 2008
    based on 58 ratings

    This sermon helps people deal with problems. It gives four facts about problems, three positive affects of problems and three keys to handling problems.

    Power Over Your Problems Today we are starting an in depth series on the book of James. Last week we looked at an overview of James. We found that James wants us to grow up. God wants us to become mature Christians. This week we are going to discover that you can have power over your more

  • 2. Dealing With Indecision

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2008
    based on 108 ratings

    This sermon looks at the problem of indecision, the solution to indecision and the promise of God’s faithfullness. Subtitle: How To Make Wise Decisions

    Dealing With Indecision (How To Make Wise Decisions) Today we are continuing an in depth series on the book of James. Last week we looked at how we could have power over our problems. This week we are going to discover that God wants you to make wise decisions. Remember God wants us to more

  • 3. Becoming Triumphant Over Temptation

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2008
    based on 35 ratings

    A "How To Overcome Temptation" sermon. Practical insights for deaing with temptation. 1. Be REALISTIC 2. Be RESPONSIBLE 3. Be READY 4. Get REFOCUSED

    Becoming Triumphant Over Temptation (How To Overcome Temptation) Today we are continuing an in depth study on the book of James. We have looked at how you can have power over your problems. We have discovered that God wants you to make wise decisions. Today we are going to see how you can more

  • 4. Blessings From The Bible

    Contributed on Aug 27, 2008
    based on 45 ratings

    This is a How To Be Blessed From the Bible Sermon.

    Blessings From The Bible In America we can find Bibles everywhere. They are for sale in grocery stores, drug stores and of course book stores. They are available in all shapes and sizes. Some of them are paper bound and others are leather bound. Some of them now even look like magazines. more

  • 5. Treating People Right

    Contributed on Sep 3, 2008
    based on 38 ratings

    A look at how we are to treat other people.

    Treating People Right One of your biggest problems and mine are people problems – learning how to get along with other people. There is a short poem that goes – “To dwell above with those you love – that will be glory. To dwell below, with those you know – that’s a different more

  • 6. Having Real Faith

    Contributed on Sep 8, 2008
    based on 35 ratings

    This is a study into what it means to have "real faith".

    Having Real Faith We have been making our way through the book of James. If you will recall – I have said that the book of James is a very practical book. It is perhaps one of the most practical books in the Bible. James has been telling us that we need to put our beliefs – our faith - into more

  • 7. Managing Your Mouth

    Contributed on Sep 17, 2008
    based on 52 ratings

    I. Why must I manage my mouth? A. My Words Determine Where I GO B. My Words Can Destroy What I HAVE C. My Words Display Who I AM II. The Solution A. Get A New HEART B. Ask God for HELP C. Think before you SPEAK

    Managing Your Mouth Today we are going to look at what James tells us about “Managing Your Mouth”. People love to talk. We love to watch talk shows. Everybody seems to have something to say. Everybody has something to talk about. Did you know that the average American has thirty more

  • 8. Living In Godly Wisdom

    Contributed on Oct 14, 2008
    based on 71 ratings

    I. The Definition of Godly Wisdom. II. Godly Wisdom Is Different Than Earthly Wisdom. III. How Godly Wisdom Works In Relationships.

    Living In Godly Wisdom Every day we have contact with many different kinds of people. Some are inspiring – others are irritating. Some are fascinating – others are frustrating. Some are delightful – others are dreadful. The fact is – many of the problems we have in life are because of the more

  • 9. Avoiding Arguments

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2008
    based on 31 ratings

    This sermon looks at three desires that cause arguments and four steps to help resolve arguments. I. Give in to God II. Resist the Devil III. Draw closer to God IV. Seek forgiveness

    Avoiding Arguments We are going to look today at how to avoid arguments. Remember I have said that James is a very practical book – perhaps the most practical book in the Bible. As we get to chapter four James talks about how we are to avoid arguments. He doesn’t beat around the bush when he more

  • 10. Judging Others? Stop It!

    Contributed on Oct 22, 2008
    based on 58 ratings

    Three Negitive Outcomes of Judging Others and Three Reasons to Stop Judging Others.

    Judging Others? Stop It! Today we are going to have another “How To” sermon. Remember I have said that James is a very practical book – perhaps the most practical book in the Bible. He tells us “How to live the Christian life.” He tells us “How to Reach For Christian Maturity.” Today we are more

  • 11. Facing The Future

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2008
    based on 54 ratings

    This sermon looks at three mistakes people make about how to handle the future. Mistake One: Planning Without GOD Mistake Two: Taking Tomorrow For GRANTED Mistake Three: Delaying doing GOOD

    Facing The Future Today we’re going to look at James chapter four – verses thirteen thru seventeen and see what James tells us about “Facing the Future”. As Americans we are all concerned about the future. We ask: “What will gas prices be next week?” “Who will win the election?” “When more

  • 12. Being Wise With Your Money

    Contributed on Nov 11, 2008
    based on 34 ratings

    This sermon looks at three ways in which handle money. I. The Method In Which We GET Our Money II. The Reason We SAVE Our Money III. The Way We SPEND Our Money

    Being Wise With Your Money Today we are going to continue our sermon series – “Living Life Wisely”. We have been going through the book of James – I have said it is a very practical book – perhaps the most practical book in the Bible. Today James is going to tell us how to be wise with our more

  • 13. Developing Patience

    Contributed on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 50 ratings

    This sermon looks at three aspects of developing Patience. I. WHEN should I wait? II. WHY should I wait? III. HOW should I wait?

    Developing Patience As many of you know – I am in the Army Reserve. There is a saying in the Army that has been around as long as I have been in the Army and I’m sure it was there long before I arrived. The saying is: Hurry up and WAIT! It seems there is a lot of waiting in the Army – more

  • 14. Praying For Your Problems

    Contributed on Dec 30, 2008
    based on 38 ratings

    This is a sermon on prayer. I. Who Should Pray II. How Should I Pray III. When Should I Pray

    Praying For Your Problems A very wise man once said: “Prayers offered by those who have God’s approval are effective.” James 5:16 (GW) Actually this is a quote for the Book of James chapter five and the second half of verse sixteen. We have been making our way through the book of James more

  • 15. The Marks Of A Mature Christian

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon is an introduction to the book of James. A Spiritually Mature Person is: 1. Positive under pressure 2. Sensitive to people's needs 3. Master of his mouth 4. A Peacemaker not a troublemaker 5. Patient

    The Marks Of A Mature Christian (An Overview of James) Without a doubt the biggest problem that we have in the church today is that of spiritual maturity. We get ourselves into all kinds of problems by saying immature things, by making immature decisions, by acting in immature ways. We need more