Sermon Series

  • 1. Types Of People Responding To Jesus Christ

    Contributed on Dec 4, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Should we be surprised how people treat Jesus Christ and Christians today?

    How do people deal with Jesus Christ? In our passage today, we will note 5 types of people responding to Jesus Christ; open your Bibles to Mark 14… Read along with me Mark 14:53-72….. Let’s start with this question, Who is Jesus Christ?? Let us not miss what v55 implies! v55: supports 2 more

  • 2. The Universe Will Collapse

    Contributed on Oct 9, 2017

    Scientists will tell us that the sun will eventually die out; why do people think they can live forever?

    Last week in preparation for the message, we took a look back to Daniel of the Old Testament. This morning, let us go all the way to Genesis 1……… Read along with me v1-19……… Just one question… How did God create the stars, moons, sky and the entire universe?? God spoke and the universe was more

  • 3. Troubles And Warnings For Today!

    Contributed on Sep 26, 2017

    How intense are the troubles today that Jesus stated 2000 years ago and so, how serious should we heed His warnings?

    We started our study of Mark Chapter 13 last week. We noted right off the bat that we humans can get so caught up with our own views that we forget God is in control. God has freely given us a life to live but we must never forget God’s view of the world we live in! I for one, have to keep myself more

  • 4. World Views

    Contributed on Sep 18, 2017

    Does God’s schedule drive our life schedules or do we live our own personal schedules and then somehow try to drive God into it?

    I hope you have been learning much and thrilled about learning from the Gospel of Mark as I have been. Praise God for this Gospel. There is so much to learn and I pray you are as challenged and determined as I am to follow our Lord Jesus Christ more and more. We are now in Mark 13; as we will note, more

  • 5. Good Tenants For The Lord

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2017

    Are we actually doing what God tells us?

    In our passage this morning, Jesus tells a parable. A parable is simply a story with a lesson. Open your Bibles to Mark 12…. We will learn from v1-12 today. But first take a quick look back to Mark 11:18… We have noted in earlier chapters of Mark that the Jewish Religious leaders have more

  • 6. Excited Like A Child?

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2017

    no one can enter heaven unless they approach it like a child?

    We noted last week from Mark chapter 10 that the 12 disciples Jesus chose were finally showing signs of spiritual growth. God is looking for people to learn, believe, and live out justification, sanctification (growing spiritually while on earth), and glorification through Jesus Christ, the Holy more

  • 7. Saved And Being Saved?

    Contributed on Jun 26, 2017

    complete salvation with God is a process; justification, sanctification, and glorification!

    We have been noting over and over again even as recent as the last chapter, the disciples ignored the situation when they could not understand Jesus. Finally, in a personal private setting, the disciples asked Jesus for an explanation!! I wonder how Jesus felt here? How do we feel when someone more

  • 8. Reality?

    Contributed on May 22, 2017

    Are we really living our lives with the reality of God?

    You’ve heard of the saying “Let’s get real!”? Wouldn’t it be great if we actually all live in reality. But there’s a problem isn’t there? Why can’t we all get along? The problem of not getting along is because people have all sorts of definition for reality! Even in marriages, expectations rather more

  • 9. Can We Allow Jesus To Just Pass By?

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2017

    Jesus Christ is omnipresent but can we miss His presence in our lives?

    Our Scripture passage for the week is Jer. 23:23-24…. “Am I only a God nearby,” declares the LORD, “and not a God far away? Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?” declares the LORD. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the LORD. What does this mean?? God is omnipresent! more

  • 10. Jesus - Son Of God And Saviour

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2016

    Son of God?

    We start a new sermon series today with the Gospel of Mark. First, just some background information about the Gospels and the author Mark. The Gospel simply means Good News! The 4 Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, of course are good news because it tells us about Jesus Christ; God who became more

  • 11. Sabbath?

    Contributed on Dec 5, 2016

    Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath!

    We noted last week from Mark 2:1-17, Jesus Christ proclaimed He is God and the Only One who can save people from their sins. Jesus called on sinners, i.e. all people, to believe in Him and repent from sins. Do we all believe in Jesus Christ as God and Only Savior for our sins? Are we committed to more

  • 12. Physical Versus Spiritual Concerns

    Contributed on Jan 2, 2017

    Make a resolution to focus on the spiritual first!

    It’s a new year and for many it’s another time to make resolutions; does anyone even know the main definition of what a resolution is?? A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something! What are typical new year’s resolutions?? Most resolutions are for physical more

  • 13. God's Truth Revealed - Accept Or Reject?

    Contributed on Dec 19, 2016

    we are to constantly consider the Words of Jesus Christ!

    God tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16-17… All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. The world always needs much good work. We Christians are honored, more

  • 14. Fasting?

    Contributed on Dec 12, 2016

    Fasting was a command by God to the Israelites; who needs to fast today?

    The Lord Jesus Christ is to be worshiped because He is our Creator and our Only Savior for our sins; so let us listen very carefully to His story and His own words for us this morning. Open your Bibles to the Gospel of Mark Chapter 2….. We noted from the beginning of Mark 2 the importance more

  • 15. Preparing The Way For Jesus

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2016

    what am I doing to prepare the way for Jesus?

    Last week we started our new message series of the Gospel of Mark. Open your Bibles there and read along with me again Mark 1:1-11…. The Gospel writer Mark was an ordinary man who was first excited about his Christianity but had early difficulties and pulled away from faith. Mark went on more

  • 16. Jesus Is Our Example

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus is God but also fully human, an example for us!

    Please open your bibles to the Gospel of Mark…. The opening statement of Mark gives us this gospel, the good news! Mark 1:1……. - Jesus Christ who is God came to earth to save people from their sins! Through the Gospel writer Mark, God then tells us supporting facts about more

  • 17. Do I Really Belong To The Kingdom Of God?

    Contributed on Oct 31, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    What does it mean that the Kingdom of God is near?

    Please open your Bibles to the Gospel of Mark …. We have noted that the main topic of the gospel is the Good News of Jesus Christ who is God but came to earth as a man to save people from their sins; this is summarized in Mark 1, verse 1. We have then also noted 5 facts which support this more

  • 18. Repent, Believe, And Follow

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2016

    What does Jesus desire for us?

    Before we celebrate with Communion, let us continue to learn from the Gospel of Mark. Again, the main point of the Gospel is to affirm our belief that Jesus Christ is God and the Only Savior for people’s sin. Open your Bibles to the gospel of Mark chapter 1…. The Gospel of Mark gets right in to more

  • 19. Physical Versus Spiritual Needs

    Contributed on Nov 14, 2016

    God cares about our physical needs BUT our spirituality is a priority to God!

    We are here to worship God who is One but exists in 3 Persons. Although God is all around us and is involved in our lives, God knows we will be blinded with just the physical and so God gave us His Words. How does one worship someone?? If we are to worship God properly, we need to be at awe more

  • 20. Jesus' Purpose For Healing A Paralytic

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus came to heal sinners

    We continue our worship by listening to what God wants to tell us through the Gospel of Mark. Open your Bibles to Mark 2….. read along with me v1-17….. We have noted in chapter 1 of Mark that the news about the power of Jesus, both physically and spiritually, have spread throughout the land and more

  • 21. Parables?

    Contributed on Jan 9, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    why did jesus speak in parables?

    When a person reads a Bible passage, is it always immediately understood by them?? What do you think are reasons why some bible passages cannot be immediately understood?? Since the Bible was written by God the Holy Spirit and people are not God, there will be some difficulty in fully more

  • 22. Kingdom Of God Secrets

    Contributed on Jan 16, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The secret of the kingdom of god is being given!

    We are worshiping God and learning from the Gospel of Mark. Please open your Bibles to Mark 4… Our Scripture of the Week, Mark 4:11a, states that Jesus told His disciples “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you.” What do you think Jesus meant by that?? Jesus was simply saying more

  • 23. Jesus Defines Faith

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2017

    How would you define faith?

    Let us continue to worship God by learning more from the Gospel of Mark. Open your Bibles there…. Remember that Mark was not one of the first 12 Disciples of Christ but became a useful minister with the Apostle Paul, who himself was not one of the first 12. Jesus started with 12 followers to expand more

  • 24. Demon Possesion

    Contributed on Jan 30, 2017

    People who do not have Jesus Christ in their lives are susceptible to evil influence even possession.

    Last week we noted from Mark 4 that during a boat trip, Jesus taught His followers about faith. Faith is basically completely trusting what Jesus said by taking action accordingly until what was said is accomplished. Faith can be defined this way: Faith is believing what God says and putting it to more

  • 25. Purpose Of Healing

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2017

    The woman was healed to teach about on going faith!

    Let us worship our God now by listening to His sacred Word, the story of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Mark. Open your Bibles to Mark 5…………… Let us read and listen carefully to what our Creator God wants to tell us; Mark 5:21-34………. Today, we will focus on the healed woman. We more

  • 26. Faith Of Jairus, Synagogue Leader

    Contributed on Feb 13, 2017

    Christians should follow the faith of Jairus!

    Let’s continue to worship our God by learning form the Gospel by Mark. We have noted from the beginning of the Gospel that Jesus Christ was proclaimed Messiah God by prophets in the Old Testament and then John the Baptist prepared the way for Christ for the people of Israel. After He was water more

  • 27. Familiarity Breeds Contempt

    Contributed on Feb 20, 2017

    how do people see us and how do we see others?

    Let’s continue to worship with the Gospel of Mark. The Gospel of Mark does not talk about Jesus’ birth or upbringing; we can read about that part of Jesus’ life in the other Gospels. In the very beginning of the Gospel of Mark, right after His water baptism as an adult, Jesus began His ministry by more

  • 28. Jesus' Summon To Christians

    Contributed on Feb 27, 2017

    What does it mean to be summoned by Jesus?

    There is one major reason why Jesus Christ who is God came to earth. What was it?? Jesus Christ left heaven and came to earth to save people from their sins by dying on a cross. But there are a couple more reasons why Jesus left heaven and walked the earth; what are the other reasons besides more

  • 29. Confronting Jesus?

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2017

    Do we question Jesus?

    We had been learning from the Gospel of Mark. Although we are currently in the middle of Chapter 6, we will look at the beginning of Mark 7 this morning in preparation for Communion. We will come back to Chapter 6 next week. Please open your Bibles to Mark 7….. We have noted in earlier chapters more

  • 30. Herod's Pride

    Contributed on Mar 13, 2017

    Pride comes before a fall!

    Let’s continue our worship of God by learning from His Word through the Gospel of Mark. We had noted at the beginning of the Gospel that Jesus immediately began His ministry on earth right after He was water baptized. Jesus immediately proclaimed the Kingdom of God by stating He is the Savior; He more