Sermon Series
  • 1. Jesus: The Man From Nowhere

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2004
    based on 46 ratings

    Jesus springs on the scene with no pedigree, no history, and only a strange man to vouch for him. And yet people were instantly drawn to Him - why?

    For more Bible Studies visit: Jesus: The Man From Nowhere Mark 1:1-45 Pastor Tom Fuller Mark is Peter’s gospel. We get that from a quote written just after the turn of the century. The early church historian Eusebius quotes from Papias, Bishop of more

  • 2. Who's The Boss

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2004
    based on 26 ratings

    How much of what you think do and say is under your control - and should it? Learn how Jesus can take control of more of your life.

    For more Bible Studies visit: Who’s The Boss? Mark 2:1-27 Pastor Tom Fuller The story of Saddam Hussein and his rule of the Iraqi people is fascinating. In my mind, the defiant ruler’s power didn’t come to an end in March of 2003 when American troops more

  • 3. Who Is Jesus To You?

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    Jesus is labeled as rebellious Jew, crazy man, evil demon possessed and mere human. Will you choose one of these labels? The Lord wants you to engage Him in order to find out for yourself.

    For more Bible studies visit: Who Is Jesus to You? Mark 3:1-35 Pastor Tom Fuller It’s said that “no good deed goes unpunished.” Do you ever find that to be true? I do. I remember one time long ago now, that I was trying to be a peacemaker in the midst of a more

  • 4. Are You Truth Proof?

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2004
    based on 26 ratings

    Many people have bullet-proof armor around their hearts - so that God’s truth simply bounces off. Learn about how to have a soft heart and fertile soil to grow God’s truth

    Have you ever heard the expression: “they only hear what they want to hear”? Its true – and its also very dangerous. Today Jesus is going to say things that just bounce off the hearers – the crowds, and His disciples. It involves accepting the truth – and in trusting the Lord at His word. I more

  • 5. Freedom From Bondage

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    Jesus frees a man inhabited by thousands of demons. You may not be possessed by a demon - but what destructive habits possess you? Find freedom in Jesus!

    For more Bible Studies go to: What habits do you have? Are there things you do the same way every time or things you just can’t do without? I don’t really have any of those. In fact, I’m often thankful that I’m free of patterns as I sip my daily mocha over the more

  • 6. Do You Trust Me No Matter What?

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2004
    based on 77 ratings

    Jesus meets two individuals with desperate needs. One needs to acknowlege Him as she clings for healing - the other must ignore the environment and choose to cling to Jesus.

    For more Bible Studies go to: There was a man who got lost in the desert. After wandering around for a long time his throat became very dry, about that time he saw a little shack in the distance. He made his way over to the shack and found a water pump with a small more

  • 7. How Far Will You Go?

    Contributed on Sep 15, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    Jesus has a way of always challenging us to go forward. Just when we think we know Him, He reveals something new that forces us into faith.

    Just when you think you know who Jesus is – He reveals something else that throws you completely off. Just when you have a handle on your life, something happens to upset everything you’ve come to rely on. We think that describes someone who is young in the Lord or who should know better. But more

  • 8. Training For Discipleship

    Contributed on Sep 15, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    Believe it or not, you don’t have to have it all together to serve Jesus Christ. In this week’s study of the Gospel of Mark we learn how Jesus trained His disciples through disappointment and death to bring the gospel.

    Sports teams always like to play before a hometown crowd. Here in Portland they say that the “fan factor” can really help the Trailblazers win games. But when it comes to ministry, often playing to the home town crowd is a disappointing experience. Either because of past relationships or more

  • 9. Rules Or Reality

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2005
    based on 41 ratings

    It’s much easier for us to follow rules than to allow the character of God to rule our behavior. Jesus challenges us to let go of law and let the Spirit guide.

    For an audio version of this and other Bible studies: Go to: When it comes to some things in life we like rules and laws – like the law of gravity: “In the ongoing battle between objects made of aluminum going hundreds of miles per hour and the ground going zero more

  • 10. The Things Of God Or The Things Of Men?

    Contributed on Apr 20, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    What the most difficult problem that faces the church today? Its that we try to do God’s will by using human means. Learn how not the short-circuit God’s way of growing you.

    For more Bible studies and an audio version of this study go to: One of the biggest problems in the church today is trying to accomplish God’s will using human methods. We are fooled more

  • 11. Having Doubts

    Contributed on Apr 20, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    It was part of Jesus’ plan to slowly reveal His true purpose and nature - and this chapter reveals to us that even though we have doubts, Jesus is there to help us believe!

    For more Bible studies and an audio copy of this message go to: Sometimes people say "if I could just see Jesus face to face, then I’d believe." Perhaps that’s true - and Jesus did more

  • 12. Power Play

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus Christ came to earth to reveal the nature of the REAL boss the Lord God Almighty. He is pretty intimidating, so you’d think He would have a personality to match but He doesn’t. The boss of bosses does not follow the world?s leadership model

    For more Bible Studies: visit There’s a saying in business that I’ve heard a lot. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way!" It portrays the sentiment that you should step up and over everyone - meekly fall in line with the "leaders" - blindly following their every more

  • 13. Childlike Trust

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    In this study we look at broken things - trust, relationships, and priorities. But we also see how by simple child like trust in God, that which is broken can be mended.

    For more Bible studies visit: Surrounded by plenty in this country we lose sight of the really important things. We live in such a throw-away society that we think having things is more important than having relationships, and in a time when people’s word means more

  • 14. The Arrival

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Why is the number 173,880 important? It involves Jesus coming to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, fulfilling a prophecy given hundreds of years before. Was He really the Messiah? Find out!

    For more Bible studies, visit: Jesus does three things in this chapter - He arrives to take His kingdom - showing the true character of the Creator - humble, coming in peace. But at the same time He blasts the two basic components of the existing religious scene - more

  • 15. What Belongs To God

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    As Jesus addresses the attacks of the religious leaders, He teaches us how to be good stewards, good citizens, and good students of the Word.

    For more Bible studies visit: At the end of the previous chapter Jesus has just had encounter with the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law who demanded to know His authority. Jesus would not tell them unless they expressed an opinion about John the Baptist’s authority more

  • 16. Integrity

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    This week we see integrity defined by Jesus in the form of several people ? and it gives us an idea of how we can have integrity when it comes to our dealings with God, with one another, and in our giving to the Lord.

    Today we’re going to talk about the concept of integrity. Most of us when we think of integrity we mostly think of someone who is true to their word - and that’s a part of it, but that’s more accurately honesty than integrity. To illustrate the principal of integrity I want you to come visit more

  • 17. The End Times - Signs Or Salvation

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 107 ratings

    Jesus gives His disciples some signs to look for in the end times - but not so they would focus on the signs, but so that they wouldn’t panic and would do the Master’s will instead

    Today we’re going to study the end times. No, I’m not going to set a date for Jesus’ return. No, I’m not going to answer all questions about the Tribulation or the Rapture. But what we are going to see is what Jesus tells us to think about the last days. And it might actually surprise you. 1 more

  • 18. The Last Supper

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    In this study we see the worst of humanity in the betrayal of Jesus - and the best in the selfless gift of Mary. Learn also how Jesus is the Passover Lamb.

    Today in the first 25 verses of Mark 14 we see some of the worst of humanity: plotting murder, subterfuge, lying, greed, and betrayal. But we also see the relationship between God and man redefined in a way that is beautiful and moving - and symbolism become reality as Jesus decrees a new more

  • 19. Betrayal, Bravery, And Bravado

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    In the arrest or Jesus we see the worst and the best man can muster - and how its not enough without the strength of our Lord.

    Bravado: "a pretense of courage." It comes from an Old Spanish word "to swagger." Webster’s defines bravery as: "quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear." Betrayal: "To deliver into the hands of an enemy in violation of a trust or more

  • 20. The Crucifixion

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    Jesus chose to go to the cross - to be beaten and spat upon and to be separated from the Father - even though He didn’t have to. The question is: why did He do it? Also learn when it’s right to speak up and when to remain silent.

    1 Very early in the morning, the chief priests, with the elders, the teachers of the law and the whole Sanhedrin, reached a decision. They bound Jesus, led him away and handed him over to Pilate. The Jewish religious leadership had already decided to try to get Jesus killed - they had done more

  • 21. The Resurrection

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 49 ratings

    Have you ever felt that doing things for God is impossible and if you fail you’ve fouled up God’s plan? This message will encourage you to step out, even if you fail.

    The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single most important event in world history. It is even more important than the cross - in this way: that if Jesus did not rise from the dead, the cross would be meaningless for mankind. Jesus was perfect and would go back to be with the Father - the more