Sermon Series
  • 1. Discipline

    Contributed on Sep 16, 2008

    Discipline is a discipline in faithfulness. The issue of our money and possessions is really an issue of ownership. It’s an issue of whom I work for. Who am I responsible to?

    Discipline Matthew 25:14-30 This past two weeks we’ve been talking about financial freedom. The first step to financial freedom is devotion to God. That happens when we’re free from possession obsession, from deficit thinking (I don’t have enough money to give back to God) and from fear which more

  • 2. Devotion

    Contributed on Sep 16, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    You will never know financial freedom until you realize that financial freedom is a matter of heart. Seek God first. Serve God first. Put God first and money will serve you. If not, you will always be a slave to money

    Devotion Matthew 19:16-26 Two Irishmen who were traveling in the Holy Land came to the Sea of Galilee. They discovered that it would cost them $50 each to cross the lake by boat. They cried out in protest. "The Lakes of Killarney are the most beautiful lakes in the world and one can cross them more

  • 3. Becoming Debt Free

    Contributed on Sep 16, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    One of the disciplines critical for us to practice in order to live debt free is to look beyond the immediate. You have to stay focused on God’s promised future. Debt is always about the immediate; it’s always seeking relief or immediate gratification

    Debt Free II Kings 4:2-7 Have you ever made a purchase and then felt bad or depressed afterwards? Have you ever bought anything that you ended up never using? I just found one of the greatest pullover sweaters in my closet and said, "Where did this come from?" It still had the tags on it! I more