Sermon Series
  • 1. Sacrifice Required

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2012
    based on 18 ratings

    It is always good to be reminded of what the Lord has called us to do. What is our mission and how does Hickory Creek accomplish this mission? How are we doing at it and what can each of us as individuals do to be part of the body of Christ called to ac

    On a Mission from God - Sacrifice Required Mark 12:41-44; 2 Samuel 24:18-24 Series intro Slide “We’re on a mission from God” Blues Brothers If you grew up when I did, you remember those words from the movie, “The Blues Brothers.” John Belushi’s character, Jake Blues, was in a church more

  • 2. Service Required

    Contributed on Mar 21, 2012
    based on 14 ratings

    To fulfill the mission from God that He has given us, we have responsibilities that are essential to our being successful. Jesus not only talked about these, but He exampled them for us to follow. One of those responsibilities is for us to serve others.

    On a Mission from God – Service Required John 13:1-17 Service is required because it Speaks love to others Teaches Humility to us Leads others by example Slide Good morning. Easter is right around the corner, just 3 weeks away! As we approach the time we celebrate the more

  • 3. Evangelism Required

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2012
    based on 18 ratings

    “How can I become a Christian?” What if someone asked you that question? Would you be prepared to share with them the gospel? Could you do that in a way that they clearly understood what they needed to believe? If we are going to fulfill our Mission f

    Series - On a Mission from God Evangelism Required 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 Know what Christianity really is People must know and believe … Who they are: A Sinner separated from God Who Jesus is: The Christ, God in the Flesh What Jesus did: He Died for their more