Sermon Series
  • 1. People Of Grace

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2016

    This sermon addresses who people of Grace are and what grace has done for us

    This morning we begin a series on the Book of Galatians. We are calling this series, “People of Grace.” In the next seven weeks we are going to gain an appreciation for grace. God’s amazing grace! This is how the series is going to be preached. Today we are going to look at an more

  • 2. What People Of Grace Accept.

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2016

    People of grace are accepting of certain things found in scripture

    We started a series two weeks ago on the Book of Galatians. We are titling this series “People of Grace".Today we are going to look at chapter 2 and its connection with people of grace. If you have a bible that gives paragraph divisions and headings to those paragraphs you may notice that more

  • 3. How People Of Grace Handle Burdens And Blessings

    Contributed on Aug 29, 2016

    Life is a combination of burdens and blessings. How do People of Grace handle their burdens and blessings?

    Title: How People of Grace handle Introduction Today we finish up our series on the book of Galatians by looking at chapter 6:1-10.Today’s message is titled “How People of Grace handle Burdens and Blessings.” Every life is a composite of burdens and blessings!This is not more