Sermon Series
  • 1. The Dandelion Paradox

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    What is a dandelion? To some it is a flower, to some it is a vegetable, and to some it is a weed. It is hard for us to know the difference. If we uproot the dandelion we may be causing damage. If we uproot what we think are weeds in our churches and c

    Last Sunday as we were looking at the Parable of the Sower I told you about moving in to a new parsonage at Lovelady and with that new parsonage came a new yard. One of the men in the congregation, the chair of the board, thought that the lawn needed to have grass so he bought Bermuda grass seed more

  • 2. It's About Grace

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2007
    based on 70 ratings

    God’s grace is a free gift that is available to all of us. It is a free gift that we receive but it isn’t what we deserve. It is about mercy, not fairness. And, it is for the last as well as the first. Thankfully, what we can all say is, It’s about gr

    A story is told about Fiorello LaGuardia, who, when he was mayor of New York City during the worst days of the Great Depression and all of World War II, was called by many New Yorkers “the Little Flower” because he was only five foot four and always wore a carnation in his lapel. He was a more

  • 3. Now You Hear It, Now You Don't

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Now you hear it, now you don’t is selective hearing and if we heard at all, before long it is gone away. What we really need is “Now I hear it… Yeah I still hear it.” Then the seeds of faith are growing in the richest soil of our lives.

    Most of you know, we spent Fourth of July weekend with my parents. My father has some hearing difficulty, but his greatest hearing difficulty is convenient hearing and not paying attention to what is being said around him. That can be said of many of us. Sunday afternoon he and I were watching more

  • 4. Rsvp Spiritual Attire Required

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    God is planning a party that will last for eternity. You are invited. You have been sent an invitation but it says RSVP Spiritual Attire Required.

    Hugh Downs of 20/20 fame tells the story of attending a function in Washington with his wife. When the time came for them to return home they found that their flight had been cancelled due to bad weather. Downs called the front desk and learned that they could catch a train but it left in 45 more

  • 5. Stuck On The Road

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    The victims of our world would like for us to be the Good Samaritan, to stop and help so they are not stuck on the road. Anything less is to fail in our mission.

    A farm boy accidentally overturned his wagonload of wheat on the road. The farmer who lived nearby came to investigate. “Hey, Willis,” he called out, “forget your troubles for a while and come and have dinner with us. Then I’ll help you overturn the wagon.” “That’s very nice of you,” Willis more

  • 6. Thank God That's Not Me

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    We can’t go around saying, “Thank God that’s not me” because in truth it is us. Just like us, the people who are out there, people who perhaps make us uncomfortable are sinners who need to know the grace of God through Jesus Christ in their lives. The o

    A Preacher dies and is standing in line, waiting outside the Pearly Gates. He is standing there patiently, wearing his best suit and tie, dressed like he is ready to preach his Sunday morning sermon. In line just ahead of him is a guy wearing sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket, and blue more