Sermon Series
  • 1. Putting On The New Man

    Contributed on Oct 4, 2019

    Start of a new sermon series entitled "Putting on the New Man." What should our life in Christ look like compared to the rest of the world?

    We have been called to grow in our faith. When we became a Christian, our growth in our life in Christ did not become complete when we walked the aisle, when we prayed a prayer of repentance and acceptance of Christ, or even when we were baptized. our growth in christ has only just begun. The more

  • 2. Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2019

    We grieve the Holy Spirit because we are still wearing the old man. Paul is preaching to the church on the way we treat one another.

    Last week, this week and for the next few weeks we are looking at in this sermon series what “Putting on the New Man” looks like. Reviewing from last week: Ephesians 4:22a and 24a (NKJV) that you put off, … the old man, -- and that you put on the new man ... These instruction that Paul gives more

  • 3. Walking In Love

    Contributed on Oct 14, 2019

    We continue to explore what "Putting on the New Man" entails. We, as children and imitators of God, should walk in love. But that gets complicated as we encounter sin in our lives.

    Over the Last few weeks and through the next couple of weeks, we have been looking at our lives in Christ. What does it look like? How are we support to act? Much of the new Testament, especially the writings of Paul, John and Peter, deal with the process of sanctification – the process of more

  • 4. Walking In The Light

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2019

    As Christians, who have put on the new man in Christ, we are His light to world. We have no business walking in darkness rather we are expose what is in the darkness by shining the Light.

    This series has been about putting on the new man, that we are a new creation in Christ, and what is should look like. Our theme for this series works around these two thoughts. Ephesians 4:22a and 24a (NKJV) that you put off, … the old man ... and that you put on the new man … Last week, we more

  • 5. Walking In Wisdom

    Contributed on Nov 11, 2019

    We examine being filled with the Spirit. The fact is, we have all of the Holy Spirit at the time of our conversion and regeneration. The question is, does the Holy Spirit have all of us?

    Over the this last month, we have been examining what Paul described as: that you put off, … the old man ... and that you put on the new man … (Ephesians 4:22a and 24a) As Christians, we have become a new creation in Christ. As a new creation, we discussed how taking off the old man is like more