Sermon Series
  • 1. The 2nd Product Of Unfaithfulness: Condemnation

    Contributed on Jul 13, 2001
    based on 58 ratings

    Unfaithfulness among Christians has led many in and out of the church to deal with guilt. Mercy is God’s love toward men extended to free us from condemnation.

    Unfaithfulness: Condemnation Hosea 1:1-2:1; 2 Kings 17:6-23 Last week we looked at the first illegitimate child born to Hosea’s unfaithful wife, Gomer. We noted that the child, whom the Lord instructed Hosea to name Jezreel, represented the first product of unfaithfulness, which is impotence, more

  • 2. The 1st Product Of Unfaithfulness: Impotence

    Contributed on Jul 13, 2001
    based on 39 ratings

    Unfaithfulness among Christians has led many in and out of the church to lose power for living. Yet God turns tragedy into triumph.

    The First Product of Unfaithfulness: Impotence Hosea 1:1-5, 11; 1 Kings 9-10 Pastor Jim Luthy Dan and I drove through downtown Vancouver B.C. a couple of weeks ago after a worship session on a Friday night. A two-block strip of night clubs were beginning to come to life as the rest of the more

  • 3. The 3rd Product Of Unfaithfulness: Estrangement

    Contributed on Jul 19, 2001
    based on 25 ratings

    A parable helps illustrate how we’ve been separated from God by not delighting in him. Our unfaithfulness leaves us estranged, but by his sovereign choice he has made a way to reconcile us to himself through Jesus Christ.

    The 3rd Product of Unfaithfulness: Estrangement Hosea 1:7-8; Romans 9:1-29 Pastor Jim Luthy Imagine a large ship sailing across uncharted waters in the vast Pacific Ocean. Aboard ship are the ever-wise captain Ichiro (I couldn’t help myself) and his large family – children, grandchildren -- more

  • 4. Is God Ignoring Our Nation?

    Contributed on Aug 14, 2001
    based on 67 ratings

    Is God ignoring our nation? The evidence might make us wonder if the God of all creation has forgotten us.

    Is God Ignoring Our Nation? Hosea 4 Pastor Jim Luthy Is God ignoring our nation? The evidence might make us wonder if the God of all creation has forgotten us. I offer our environment as evidence. We in the church like to call it creation, giving God glory for it, but also leaving him more

  • 5. How Does God Get Our Attention?

    Contributed on Aug 17, 2001
    based on 115 ratings

    When unfaithfulness leaves us, our churches, and even our nation in a state of decay, God comes in like a surgeon to restore us. How will we respond?

    How Does God Get Our Attention? Hosea 5:1-6:3 Pastor Jim Luthy For several reasons, I haven’t spoken much about my years as a Fingerprint Technician with the Washington State Patrol. I’ve got stories, but I don’t tell them very often. Most of them have to do with crime scenes more than the more

  • 6. Striving, Living, Thriving, Giving

    Contributed on Sep 7, 2001
    based on 19 ratings

    Our vision (Striving to see the Living Christ in a thriving church of giving people) did not originate with us, but with God.

    Striving, Living, Thriving, Giving Hosea 14 Pastor Jim Luthy At the top of our invitation cards, on our information brochure, and on our web site, you will find a vision statement for our church: Striving to see the Living Christ in a thriving church of giving people. Striving. Living. more