Sermon Series
  • 1. Hope

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    Peter says we are to be ready at all times to give a reason for our hope. All of the reasons for our having hope are found in God and not in ourselves.

    Peter writes to Christians who are suffering persecution, and they are soon to experience the full force of the wrath of Nero. He will lash out at them in fury. Does he therefore begin with tears fo despair? Not at all. He begins with a triumphant doxology: “Praise be to the God and Father of our more

  • 2. Practical Holiness

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    In verse 13 he urges us to prepare our minds for action. Paul urged us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. The mind is always the greatest battlefield in any age.

    Based on I Peter 1:13-16 Peter is the Apostle of hope, and also the Apostle of holiness. In the first half of this chapter his theme was hope. Peter does not leave us perched on the high board of heavenly hope, however, but plunges us immediately into the pool of the practical. The more

  • 3. Everlasting Education

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    No people can be great who neglect the best that God has given to man, and no year is going to be great in which the Bible does not play a major role in our lives.

    Abraham Lincoln did not like a lot of things about Christians and the church, but there are few great men in history who loved the Bible more than this great leader of our land. In Fisk University Library in Nashville, Tenn. is a copy of a Bible presented to Lincoln with this inscription: more

  • 4. The Fears Of The Faithful

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    The Bible says that perfect love casts out fear, and that God does not give us a spirit of fear. Dozens of times we are told not to fear. On the other hand, we are told to fear the Lord.

    It was on Oct. 30, 1938 at 8 P. M. when about 6 million people across the United States were listening to the radio. Orson Wells on The Mercury Theatre Of The Air presented the War Of The Worlds. Dance music was suddenly interrupted with a flash news story. "A series of gas explosions has more

  • 5. The Eternal Word

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    When the Bible is no longer our ultimate authority then only weakness can follow. The strength of the past came from Bible educated people.

    Did you know that the Mary Magdalene was the mother of Jesus? And that the New Testament book that records Paul's conversion is Psalms? And that the last book of the Bible is evolution? And that the first murderer in the Bible was Pilate? And that Isaiah was the son of Solomon? These are some more

  • 6. Steps To Christian Maturity

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    The Bible is not just a reference book. It is to be our daily menu if we want to be mature. It will put muscles on our faith, marrow in our hope and blood in our heart of love.

    There is one calling that every Christian has without exception, and that is the calling to maturity. We are born into the household of God as babes in Christ, but we are not to remain infants. We are to grow up into the fullness of the stature of Christ. The speed with which we achieve this goal more

  • 7. A Peculiar People

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    The Reformers made it a major issue as they stressed the priesthood of all believers, but we still have not rid ourselves of the concept that the church is clergy centered.

    Under the Roman system of slavery it was possible for an ambitious slave to gain his freedom. If he had a skill and was determined to work he could hire himself from his master for so much a day, and work for himself. If he was successful, he could accumulate enough savings to buy himself from more

  • 8. Christian Citizenship

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    We obey human authority, not just out of fear, but for the Lord's sake. Peter says this is to be the motivating power behind Christian submission. Good citizenship is a service to God, and it is to bring glory to God.

    Christians in general and Baptists in particular have played important roles in the patriotism of America. One of the finest patriotic hymns is My Country Tis Of Thee. It was written in 1832 by a Baptist clergyman named Samuel Francis Smith. The Pledge of Alliance to the flag was written in 1892 more

  • 9. The Christian Response To Injustice

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    Christians are not unique in their opposition to injustice, but we find their uniqueness as we examine the response they are to make to unjust acts against them, and the reasons for making this response

    Injustice is an evil that has been so universally despised that one need not depend on Christian authors alone to attack it. Cambyses, the king of ancient Persia, had a keen sense of justice. When he discovered that a close friend was taking advantage of his secure relationship to him by selling more

  • 10. Making Marriage Marvelous

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    The wife plays the leading role in marriage even though she is to be submissive to her husband. When the biblical view of marriage properly understood, no woman can ever complain that she is treated unfairly.

    Some little girls were having a great time playing wedding. They had a couple of bridesmaids, a bride and a maid of honor. The mother of one of the girls observed that the groom was conspicuous by his absence, and she asked, "What about the groom?" One child quickly replied, "We more

  • 11. How To Be A Successful Husband

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    We commit ourselves in marriage for better or for worse because both our equally possible. Conflict is just as real a potential as cooperation.

    The question was asked of a class of Catholic girls-"What is matrimony?" One girl confidently stood and said, "Matrimony is a state of terrible torment which those who enter are compelled to undergo for a time to fit them for heaven." "No, no," said the priest, more

  • 12. Respect In The Home

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    The very dignity you ascribe to your Lord you are to give to your mate. This does not mean we worship our wives, but it means we are to treasure them as one of our most precious gifts.

    Waren Webster, missionary to Pakistan, tells of his first attempt to be friendly to the children who came to watch him as he tore a crate apart to rebuild it as a desk. He said, "Hello," and they frowned and ran. He felt disappointed, but later they came back and he said it again, and more

  • 13. The Age Of Anxiety

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2021

    Jesus told us that sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. You will have all you can deal with each day without adding to the load worries about the future.

    Almost every chapter of the New Testament was written to and for people who were having hard times. God knows that life is filled with trouble and anxiety, and so He gave us His word to be the ark to carry us through this world where the flood of sorrow never ceases. Where else can we find help more