Sermon Series
  • 1. Called

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Heaven’s voice is heard today by those that listen to the gospel. Let anyone that has ears hear and answer!

    Rome! What a city it was in the days of Paul! Rome was the center of the known world, the heart of government. Rome was more than a place. Rome was THE place in those days. We don’t even know how to understand the perception that the people of the first century held about Rome of those more

  • 2. Faith

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    One word sums up the Christian walk: Faith. Biblically defined, faith embraces and embodies the very fabric of our relationship with God by grace.

    Few words in scripture relate to our eternal destiny like the word: faith. Love, hope, repentance, obedience, confession, all are interconnected and woven into the principle of this one expression: faith. Faith is a central word in the gospels, and in all the New Testament. In fact Jesus more

  • 3. Got Credit?

    Contributed on Apr 20, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    Debt can be very bad. Our spiritual debt is so bad it has killed us! But God has a credit plan that is out of this world!

    Jenny and I are making payments on our kid’s college loans. We considered it an investment to send them to Christian colleges and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. It has been one of the wisest choices we have made for our children. But it came with a cost we couldn’t pay for without credit. We more

  • 4. Baptism And Grace

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    How is Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection related to your freedom from sin? What do grace and baptism have to do with each other?

    We went to visit Jennifer and Brian earlier this week. It was great. They are both doing very well and our grandbaby is kicking. As some of you know, Brian and Jen have two dogs: Clint and Lou. Clint is Brian’s and Lou is Jen’s. They told me that when they leave the house they have to put Lou more

  • 5. Who Will Deliver Me!

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    The law of God is perfect, but we are not. Trying to live up to God’s standards with our own steam is an impossible task. Before power comes freedom! ...Free from sin, free from death, even free from the law!

    If I were to take a long piece of super-duper duct tape and stick it firmly to your hairy arm, how would you prefer to have it removed if you only had these two choices: Slowly, pulling out one hair at a time, or suddenly, ripping it off instantly? Most of us would prefer a quick rip. Well, more

  • 6. The Ultimate Weapon Against Sin

    Contributed on May 7, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    Flesh, Law, or Holy Spirit... Choose your weapon against sin. God’s amazing provision for all who are in Christ is Holy Spirit power over sin.

    Flesh, Law, or Spirit: Chose your weapon against sin. What does man burdened by sin gain from the law? More burden! The Law shows man just how serious his problem really is! But man can do nothing to change who he is. And the Law doesn’t help him. Oh, we can alter a few of our behaviors, but more

  • 7. Sure Security

    Contributed on May 10, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Where do you find unshakable security? Don’t you long for such a blessing? How would you like for God to know you, call you, justify you, sanctify you and glorify you? Here’s good news!

    Our future glory is secured in God’s love. What does that say to you today? Read Romans 8:18-30 Did you ever hear of someone who couldn’t afford to retire? Well let me tell you something... Our Christian retirement is not only out of this world, it is completely paid in full and more

  • 8. In Charge!

    Contributed on May 10, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    Who’s in control when things seem to go against even what God says? Look again! God’s word never fails! Our understanding is stretched by God’s amazing sovereignty over all.

    Who’s in Charge? Our God’s Sovereign choice is mercy for those who have faith. The see-saw of sovereignty and free will falls clearly on the sovereignty side in Romans 9. Intro: There was a time when humanity viewed knowledge as a pyramid where at the bottom there was much to learn, but the more

  • 9. Divine Rejects... Not!

    Contributed on May 21, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    What are God’s plans for God’s people? Using personal history to interpret theology, Paul offers some surprizes.

    Divine Rejects… NOT! Romans 11 Twice in this chapter Paul says: “I ask then…” Both of these set the stage for a discussion about God’s patience and plans for his people. Here are the questions: “I ask then, has God rejected his people?” (That’s verse one). And, “So I ask, did they stumble more

  • 10. In View Of God's Mercy

    Contributed on May 31, 2005
    based on 49 ratings

    What is a reasonable response to God who did not spare his own Son, but freely gave him up for us all? Romans 12-16 tell us!

    Romans 12 In View of God’s Mercy Romans reaches a climax at the end of Paul’s theology section. Chapters 1-11 are a systematic look at Christian theology. Chapters 12-16 will be a systematic look at Christian living. Someone has said, Christian theology is grace and Christian ethics is more

  • 11. Righteous Confessors Of Jesus

    Contributed on May 31, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Making Romans 10 applicable to today is crucial to understanding salvation. The context includes salvation, evangelism, and Israel’s obstinate rebellion.

    Romans 10 In this chapter Paul continues his explanation of what happened to Israel. Last week in chapter 9 we learned that God hardened their hearts because they were not pursuing God’s righteousness but their own. And just as God chose Israel to be his people as a light to the gentiles, He more

  • 12. Authority?

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    How do we handle authority in our lives today? What happens when the authority over us is corrupt? What does God tell us?

    Romans 13 Within a few years after Paul wrote these words he was beheaded by the very authorities that he here defends. In fact, by the time Paul wrote these words he had been in trouble with authorities in many places and had been jailed and beaten and otherwise abused. You would think by more

  • 13. Getting Along With Weak And Strong

    Contributed on Jun 12, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    Are opinions dividing the fellowship? God has a few words to say about that. Actually, most of what God says in the New Testament is about how we come together in Christ to work and worship and call others.

    This is the third week since we have entered the practical part of the Roman letter beginning in chapter 12. The heart of that chapter told us: 9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one more

  • 14. Pauline Principles

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    As we round off with Romans 15 we find six principles of leadership.

    Paul the Minister Romans 15:14-33 This last part of Chapter 15 divides into two sections that reveal several aspects of the ministry of Paul. The title, Paul the minister seems to best describe what these are about. As we look at this today we will notice 6 principles of Paul that all of more

  • 15. Kissing In Church

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2005
    based on 36 ratings

    Heavenly greetings adorn the final chapter of Romans. Holy kisses resound where happy families unite in joy and celebration. How wonderful is the family of God!

    Romans 16 I love the warmth that you find in these greetings! Romans has the most extensive list of names for personal greeting of all the New Testament letters. This is especially interesting since Paul had never been to Rome. It indicates something of more

  • 16. Confessing Amazing Grace

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    God’s accessable grace has come! Faithful confessors of Christ claim it and proclaim it. The heart that knows Jesus is risen moves the mouth to say, "Jesus is Lord!"

    Romans 10 Think of the most important person alive today, someone who is rich powerful and has renown. Who do you think of? Get a picture of them in your mind. What would it take to get that person to come to Signal Mountain and visit this church? Now, let’s take that scenario to another more