Sermon Series
  • 1. Michal- The Critic

    Contributed on Feb 14, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    A sermon on 2 Samuel 6- Adapted from Ian Biss and Jeff Walling

    Michal Sermon for 2/10/2002 2 Samuel 3:16 Introduction: A. A practicing lawyer loved to attack his opponents through letters printed in newspapers. In 1842, he ridiculed the wrong man. James Shields did not take kindly to the anonymous writer who lampooned him in the Springfield Journal. Mr. more

  • 2. Bad To The Bone

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    A sermon on Romans 3:10-26 (Adapted from Croft Pentz and D. Stuart Briscoe)

    Sermon for March 10, 2002 Romans 3:10-26 The 3:16’s of the Bible Introduction: World Trade Center Bombings and the unifying effect. The togetherness is disappearing gradually, and human race is getting back to the business of fragmentation. President Bush is doing a good job of keeping more

  • 3. Saved, Sanctified, And Sent

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2002
    based on 56 ratings

    A sermon on Matthew 3:13-17- Great for Baptism (Adapted from ideas on

    Sermon for 3/17/2002 Matthew 3:16 The 3:16’s of the Bible Introduction: A. I have no been smooth with all of my baptisms. Water too cold, too hot, bugs, can get you down until you bubble, etc. B. One lady wanted to know what she would feel when she was baptized. Minister didn’t know how to more

  • 4. Burning With Desire

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2002
    based on 49 ratings

    A sermon on Luke 3:16-17 on Holy Spirit fire and hell fire. (Some quotes are taken from Sermon Central sermons. Thank you!)

    Sermon for 3/24/2002 Luke 3:16 Introduction: A. Bill Taylor will read Luke 3:7-9, 16-17 B. French Gunter will read Mark 9:42-48 C. Jenny Mosier was working at the Northside Church of Christ as the Children’s Minister. She was there and lightening struck the steeple. The building burned to more

  • 5. Know God, Know Peace

    Contributed on Apr 8, 2002
    based on 98 ratings

    A sermon on peace from 2 Thessalonians 3:16

    Sermon for 4/7/2002 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Introduction: Consider the sad story of Wilmer McLean. Prior to the Civil War, McLean owned a house on the Bull Run in Northern Virginia. In 1861, during action at Manassas, an artillery shell fell down McLean’s chimney and into a stew being prepared more

  • 6. Times Of Refreshing

    Contributed on Apr 29, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    A sermon on Acts 3:16, 19 (Adapted from Charles Spurgeon Sermon on Acts 3:19)

    Sermon for 4/28/2002 Acts 3:16-19 Introduction: For years, the opening of "The Wide World of Sports" television program illustrated "the agony of defeat" with a painful ending to an attempted ski jump. The skier appeared in good form as he headed down the jump, but then, for no apparent more

  • 7. Put On What?

    Contributed on May 6, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    A sermon on Isaiah 3 about the important things to put on.

    Sermon for 5/5/2002 Isaiah 3:16 Introduction: James Gibbons- Worldly Womanhood She has her hair put up in tiers, And from her ears hang chandeliers; Her lips are painted red as blood- All badges of her "womanhood." She drapes herself in clothing tight, A sexy object to the sight; All more

  • 8. Love, Loyalty And Labor

    Contributed on May 13, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    A mother’s day sermon on the book of Ruth.

    Sermon for 5/12/2002- Mother’s Day Ruth 3:16 Introduction: A. Read Ruth 3:16-18 B. Attractive = Pleasing to the eye or mind. C. Beauty = A pleasing quality associated with harmony of form or color, excellence of craftsmanship, truthfulness, originality, or another, often undefined more

  • 9. Remove The Veil

    Contributed on May 21, 2002
    based on 85 ratings

    A sermon on 2 Corinthians 3:16-18.

    Sermon for 5/19/2002 2 Corinthians 3:16 Introduction: A. My favorite movie is Hoosiers. Explain the movie. Explain this quote. A. "Forget about the crowds, the size of the school, their fancy uniforms, and remember what got you here, focus on the fundamentals we have gone over time and time more

  • 10. Temples Of God

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    A sermon based on the temple of God (adapted from an outline by Croft Pentz and a few Sermon Central sermons)

    1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Temples of God 6/2/2002 Introduction: Billy Graham in his book, World Aflame, tells a story about Dwight Eisenhower. During his term as president, he was vacationing in Denver. It came to his attention that a six-year old boy named Paul Haley was dying of an incurable more

  • 11. The Word Of Christ

    Contributed on Jun 13, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    A sermon on Colossians 3:16. (Adapted from an outline by Croft Pentz.)

    The Word of Christ Colossians 3:16 Sermon for 6/9/2002 Introduction: Country Music Song Titles: 1. If You Can’t Live Without Me, Why Aren’t You Dead? 2. I Went Back to My Fourth Wife for the Third Time and Gave Her a Second Chance to Make a First Class Fool Out of Me 3. You’re the Reason more