Sermon Series
  • 1. The Debt Trap

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2012

    All of us at one time or another have taken on excessive, unnecessary debt. As a result we are caught in a trap that is very difficult to escape. This message shows us a way out.

    “Escaping the Debt Trap” 1st Timothy 6:6-10 This morning I want to begin with a question…in fact several questions. First of all where do you go when you need financial advice? Who do you talk to when your finances are in trouble? The 3rd question I want you to answer by a more

  • 2. "Who's That Knocking At Your Door?

    Contributed on Sep 2, 2012

    In our day there has been no end to false prophets. Jonestown clamed 900 victims, Marshall Applewhite with 1000 followers convinced 39 of them to take some sleeping pills and allow him to suffocate them. There was a comet that would be coming through an

    “Who’s that Knocking at your Door?” Matthew 7:15-24 This passage of scripture is found toward the end of the longest sermon Jesus ever preached. In Matthew 5, 6 and 7 we find the famous sermon on the mount. Jesus has discussed every topic and sin imaginable …adultery, more

  • 3. Getting To The Root Of The Problem

    Contributed on Sep 2, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    For most of us there are certain things in life that when we think of them they bring to us a feeling we often describe as bitterness. This could be an event that took place years and years ago; something someone said and even though that individual ha

    TRAPS “Getting to the Root of the Problem” Ephesians 4:28-32 For most of us there are certain things in life that when we think of them they bring to us a feeling we often describe as bitterness. This could be an event that took place years and years ago; something someone said more

  • 4. Watch Your Step!

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2012

    There are many countries around the world that have fallen and I believe in most cases it is due to power struggles that take place and just plain old pride. Solomon said pride comes before a fall and I believe that is exactly what is happening in the Un

    TRAPS “Watch your Step!” Psalm 59:12, Isaiah 14:12-14 and 2 Corinthians 7:4 For the past 12 weeks we have looked at a variety of traps that Satan places in our path. As we have seen, these traps come in different sizes, large and small. And I have this suspicion – that of more

  • 5. Stay Away From The Cookie Jar

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2012

    There are different reasons that we fall into this trap. (1) We just want to be popular. We want people to like us. (2) we do not know how to say the word no. No is one of the shortest words in our vocabulary, one of the most powerful words for some

    “Stay away from the Cookie Jar” 1st Corinthians 15:33-34 & Luke 15:11-31 From the time we are very young until the time that we leave home most of us have heard our parents say these words… be careful who you hang out with.. be careful you don’t get caught with the wrong more

  • 6. Parent Traps

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2012

    I think that there are several statements that every one of us would agree on today and here are a few. (1) Parenting has greatly changed. How we parent. What is expected. (2) Parenting is more difficult today than ever before. (3) All of us need

    TRAPS “Parent Traps” Deuteronomy 6:1-9 I don’t preach very often from the book of Deuteronomy. But Jesus did. Jesus quoted more from the book of Deuteronomy than any of the OT books. As I began to consider what I would say today I wanted to stay with our current series more

  • 7. Man Traps

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    There has been a bit of a debate for several years now around the topic of manhood and what a real man looks like. Well it depends on who you ask. If you go to the gym... a real man works out 3-4 times every week. If you go to the workplace/office...a

    TRAPS “Man Traps” There has been a bit of a debate for several years now around the topic of manhood and what a real man looks like. Well it depends on who you ask. If you go to the gym they might tell you that a real man works out 3-4 times every week. If you go to the more

  • 8. Worried Sick

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Researchers estimate that 75-90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for complaints that are, in some way, stress related. Every week 112 million people in the U.S. take some form of medication for stress related symptoms. Our society is worrie

    “Worried Sick” Matthew 6: 25-34 I read this week of another pastor who very early in his ministry preached at a church in Los Angeles. He thought he had done quite well as he stood at the door greeting people as they left the church. He received one compliment after another; that more

  • 9. Danger! Quicksand Ahead!

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2012

    We come to the question this morning, does the Bible speak to the topic of pornography? I read this week comments from one person defending the use of pornography in his life. He had several arguments; in fact he had a fair knowledge of scripture,

    Danger! Quicksand Ahead! 1st Corinthians 6:13b-20 One of the things that has always amazed me about about the Bible is the ability of God’s word to speak to any need that we have. I understand of course that the Bible doesn’t tell us if we’re looking for car insurance more

  • 10. Escaping The Debt Trap

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Did you know…  The average family in America carries 9312.00 in credit card debt.  17% of families in America do not have enough money to be able to go just 7 days without a paycheck.  6 out of 10 people will retire with less

    “Escaping the Debt Trap” 1st Timothy 6:6-10 This morning I want to begin with a question…in fact several questions. First of all where do you go when you need financial advice? Who do you talk to when your finances are in trouble? The 3rd question I want you to answer by a more