Sermon Series
  • 1. When God Provides, Do His Will

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Knowing and Understanding the Provision of God - sermon 2 in Under Construction series

    When God Provides, Do His Will Nehemiah 2:1-20 As we learned last week, Nehemiah was a man who was burdened for the loss of the city of Jerusalem. He was burdened to the point of giving his burden to the Lord through prayer and supplication. Through his mourning, weeping, fasting, and more

  • 2. When The Devil Knocks, Keep Pressing On

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    No matter the opposition in life, keep pressing on to the High calling of Christ Jesus! - Sermon 5 in Under Construction series

    When the Devil Knocks, Keep Pressing On! Nehemiah 6:1-19 Construction Series # Nehemiah is the perfect Old Testament example of the Energizer bunny, he keeps going and going and going, despite all types of different distractions. Some from inside sources, some from outside sources. more

  • 3. What We As God's People Should Do When God Puts A Plan Together

    Contributed on May 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    We should follow God’s plan when He puts one into our heart! Sermon 3 in series

    What we as God’s People should do when God puts a plan together Nehemiah 3:1-32 Sermon #3 – Under Construction Over the past two chapters, we have seen God divinely put a plan/vision in Nehemiah’s heart to rebuild the wall to protect the city of Jerusalem. This plan only came through more

  • 4. When Trouble Comes

    Contributed on May 15, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Sermon 4 in a series entitled, "Under Construction"

    When Trouble Comes, Don’t Ask Dr. Phil, Get on Your Knees Construction #4 Nehemiah 4:1-6 I am reminded of an old song entitled, “There’s Never Been a Mountain that the Lord Could Not Move It” another song is “Nothing’s Too Big for My God”. No matter the situation, God can handle it. This more

  • 5. A Godly Way For A New Beginning

    Contributed on May 15, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Beginning of a series entitled - Under Construction

    Under Construction – Sermon #1 “A Godly Way for a New Beginning” Nehemiah 1:1-11 As we begin the year 2006, I look back on 2005 with amazement at the changes that God placed in our lives. First, I started to New Orleans Seminary to begin work on my Masters Degree. Second, in March, I had more

  • 6. God's Working! Satan Is Too

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2013

    Nehemiah 4:7-23, discussion of when God is working in an individual's life or a church's life, Satan is at work as well.

    God’s Working! Satan is Too Nehemiah 4:7-23 Throughout our study of the book of Nehemiah, we’ve seen a common theme develop within the first 4 chapters: when God is working, Satan is working double-time to discredit the work of God and His servants. Nehemiah was a servant of God more