Sermon Series
  • 1. What Ever Happened To Sin?

    Contributed on May 2, 2018

    Sermon 1 in a series on Vice and Virtue

    Deadly Sins and Transforming Virtues Series - 1 What Ever Happened to Sin? In a blog written a couple of years ago, William Bradshaw asked a question that is stuck in my mind - What ever happened to sin? He repeated a story originally told by Dr. Karl Menninger, a psychiatrist who pioneered more

  • 2. Lust

    Contributed on May 2, 2018

    When sexual desire is twisted into lustfulness

    Deadly Sins and Transforming Virtues Series - 2 LUST I had some fun with people this week. When asked what I was studying for today’s message, my answer was ‘I am spending time with lust.’ Inevitably the surprised look gave way to a laugh that was an implied question asking what I meant! more

  • 3. Pride

    Contributed on May 2, 2018

    A most common 'sin' often ignored or overlooked - PRIDE

    Deadly Sins and Transforming Virtues Series - 3 PRIDE Sometimes fables teach us best. The story is told of two ducks and a frog who lived happily together in a farm pond. The best of friends, the three would amuse themselves and play together in their water hole. When the hot summer days came, more

  • 4. Anger

    Contributed on May 3, 2018

    Making Anger serve you

    Deadly Sins and Transforming Virtues Series - 4 ANGER A friend of mine on Facebook, a mature Christian, started a post this way last Monday morning ... While out with my family after church yesterday ... I got my attention, as did the story she went on to tell. We were eating lunch at more

  • 5. Envy

    Contributed on May 3, 2018

    Envy - the sin we cannot enjoy

    Deadly Sins and Transforming Virtues Series - 5 ENVY One author writes of a friend who was happily married, had a good job and a respectable salary, and who lived in a nice home. His kids where doing well in great schools. He enjoyed the company of a circle of good friends. Then . . . he more

  • 6. Sloth

    Contributed on May 3, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Apathy, not laziness

    Sloth! I feel it when I am slouched on my couch, snack in hand, mindlessly watching TV. Can you identify? Is just being a slug every now and then a sin? Does it really matter to the Lord of the Universe if you live in a cluttered house, have an unkempt lawn, or constantly update a to-do more

  • 7. Greed

    Contributed on May 3, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A common sin ... more

    As we come to the end of this series of sermons about vice and virtue, our topic is one that many would not say is a sin. In fact, for many it is a laudable characteristic. What am I talking about? Let’s start with a story that Jesus told about a greedy man- (Luke 12:13-21, NIV) " Someone more