Sermon Series
  • 1. A New People - Pt 1

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2011

    Of all the things this culture needs, we need a "New Type of People." This 'sub-culture' of people will need to live, act, talk, and walk like Jesus.

    A NEW PEOPLE – Pt 1 Acts 1:3-8 * Do you ever feel like you need something NEW? A deer hunter may need a new bow, a woman may need new clothes, a golfer may need new clubs, or even a person may need a new JOB! To look on the ‘national political’ scene is to understand the need more

  • 2. A New People - Pt 2

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2011

    The 2nd in a 2 part series - this tells us, from scripture, how to KNOW when we are HIS NEW PEOPLE.

    A NEW PEOPLE – Pt 2 Acts 1:3-8 * Many times you have heard me say this in some form or fashion, but it is true so I’ll say it again, “This world needs a new type of people.” It is the result of the “Old man” running things that has run us into the ground. On more