Sermon Series
  • 1. The Storm Of Fear

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Why does God allow storms in our lives? To teach us that we need Him every day and every hour of our lives. Storms don't just gradually, progressively come. "Thus saith God, 'a storm is coming to you'". Storms happen just like that, like lightning out of a blue sky.

    Why does God allow storms in our lives? To teach us that we need Him every day and every hour of our lives. Storms don't just gradually, progressively come. Fox news does not put on a news flash, "Thus saith God, 'a storm is coming to you'". Storms happen just like that, like more

  • 2. The Storm Of Failure

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    How many of you have failed in life? I have failed. You have failed. We have all tasted the bitter dregs of failure. There are endless numbers of people who walked into a dark storm that never ended. But there is hope. God can take you through your storm and bring you out smelling like a rose!

    Who is there among us who has not failed? I have failed. You have failed. We have all tasted the bitter dregs of failure. Every day you see people captured and crushed by some personal failure. There's the college student who was dreaming of becoming a medical doctor because he failed a course more

  • 3. The Storm Of Self Confidence

    Contributed on Feb 11, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Get your bibles today as we conclude our sermon series, "When Storms Attack", with this message, "The Storm of Self Confidence".

    "Confidence" are two words, "Con" meaning "With" and "Faido," which means "Faith," which is living by faith. That's what confidence is. The Bible says, "Without faith, it is impossible to please God". Say that with me. "Without more