Sermon Series
  • 1. Lesson 1

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2017

    Why God doesn't eliminate suffering in our life?

    A. QUESTIONS ABOUT SUFFERING 1. Isn’t suffering the work of satan? 2. Since God is completely good, how could He use suffering? 3. Since God wants to bless His children, why does He allow them to suffer? 4. Why pain and sorrow since God never glorifies them? 5. Has Christ asked us more

  • 2. Why Pain? Lesson 2

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2017

    Pain becomes our teacher when God wants to teach us something. Pain strengthens our faith in God.

    A. VARIOUS KINDS OF PAIN 1. Acute pain comes on suddenly, localized, easily identified, severe, and can become chronic. 2. Chronic pain persists longer, not easily described, hard to identify. 3. Somatic or nociceptive pain, activation of pain receptors: i.e., cut, broken bones, tissue more

  • 3. Coping With Pain Lesson 3

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2016

    Reactions to Pain

    A. VARIOUS REACTIONS TO PAIN 1. Masochism, “no pain, no gain.” They enjoy pain. 2. Those who deny pain. They have lived with suffering for so longs; they act out if they have no pain. 3. Pain management with prescriptions, exercise, massage, etc. 4. Low tolerance of pain more